The Catalyst

The Catalyst... never before have I seen something quite as magnificent. It radiates with power and authority—like the minds that inhabit it. Their wisdom knows no bounds... If anything is truly capable of turning back the tides of evil, it is this.
— Adran Sagespirit

Mechanics & Inner Workings

World of Tourceia

The Catalyst

Wondrous Item

Varies Requires Attunement

Convenient Collapsibility.The Catalyst can be collapsed into a one foot long scepter for ease of storage by pressing a button on the side of the Catalyst. If the button is pressed again, the wielder can mentally elongate the scepter to up to ten feet in length (if the space allows).   Metallic Meeting.The orb at the top of the Catalyst can be fitted with each of the Metallic Gems. Upon being fitted with the gems, the Catalyst will project the souls of the gems' inhabitants out into the physical world—in a hologram-like form. They will stay in this form until dismissed (no action required). While being used in this way, the magic items associated with the gems will be unavailable.   Call of the Order.While fitted with all of the Metallic Gems, you can use an action to cause the Catalyst to issue a telepathic call that extends across the continent. The Metallic Patrons (the dragon sponsors of the Metallic Order) are the receivers of the call, and are able to discern the most direct route to the Catalyst’s location.   Breath of the Council.If the Catalyst is fitted with all of the gems, you may draw on all of the Catalyst’s stored power at once. You may expend an action to release this power in a 200 foot cone. Each creature in the area must make a DC 25 Dexterity saving throw, taking 13d12s of damage on a failed save, and half as much damage on a successful save. The damage is a combination of fire, radiant, cold, lighting, and acid damage. As such, resistances and vulnerabilities will be calculated by the DM, based on damage percentages of the breath. Once this property has been used, it cannot be used for one year, unless recharged by the Metallic patrons.

The Catalyst is a large scepter crafted primarily from steel and iron. Small windows on the shaft reveal parts of the scepter’s innerworkings, primarily gears and small pipes. In addition to this, the shaft of the scepter is embossed with six different metals—platinum, gold, silver, copper, bronze, and brass—creating a spiderwebbing effect throughout the scepter. These veins eventually congregate near the top of the scepter, which is shaped like a dragon claw clutching an orb. There are six claws, with each of them having veins made of one what appear to be six spiderwebbing metals. The “orb” being clutched in the center of the scepter has six rhombus shaped slots—presumably for the Catalyst gems. In addition to this, a medium-sized hole has been cut in the top of the sphere and filled with glass.

Cost: Priceless
Weight: 3lbs



Approximately 500 years Before Recorded History, the members of an organization known as the Metallic Order decided to craft a tool capable of protecting and helping their kind—something to keep the NIght Terror at bay. With the help of five metallic dragons—the Metallic Patrons—the Order was able to successfully craft the Catalyst, a feat of engineering and magic. A fusion of Greenfellian technology, and draconic magic, the Catalyst became one of the most powerful items on the continent of Tourceia. At first, the gems of the Catalyst—each with similar coloring to their draconic patron—were magic items designed to aid the leaders of the Order in their quest to protect Tourceia from the Night Terror—oftentimes taking the form of weapons—but eventually took on an even more important role. Guidance.   As the world grew older, and the shadows of evil longer, it became apparent that these fights would not be won in the generation of the Order's founders. So, with the use of powerful magic, the founders transfered their souls into the six gems of the Catalyst, immortalizing them. Now they could successfully advise generations to come, and with the advent of the Cult of Chroma—who became the Order's primary rival--this became even more valuable.  


Prior to the Collapse, the gems were held by the descendants of the original founders. These descendants were spread all over the continent, with the actual Catalyst scepter held at the Metallic Order's headquarters on Greenfall Island. The descendants of the founders were trained from the moment they could walk, to defend themselves and those around them. They were to be the best of the best, the most selfless, responsible—to be someone worthy of wielding the Catalyst.   The gems of the Catalyst also acted as a network of sending stones, so the gem holders could contact each other at a moment's notice. In addition to this, the gem holders would meet at least once a year at their headquarters on Greenfall island to discuss their plans of action to defeat the forces of evil—which usually involved the Cult. This system worked well for many years—until one of the gem holders became power hungry. The Last King of Greenfall became obsessed with building great war machines to become the most powerful person in Tourceia, which made his brother believe he was not fit to wield the golden gem. So, his brother took the golden gem and the Catalyst, escaping to the continent, and hiding out in a cave in Torleigh—where he protected the Catalyst with what he could. The Catalyst may have been recovered, had it not been for the catastrophe that was the Collapse—which happened only days after the Catalyst was taken.  

The Collapse

The Collapse occured at an extremely inopportune time for the Metallic Order—essentially crippling them for decades to come. The reason it was so devestating, was that it occured during a time when the entire leadership of the Metallic Order had gathered on Greenfall. The Last King attempted to show them the huge war machines he had built, the Dragon, the Kraken, and the Colossus, but they malfunctioned, causing the event known as the Collapse. The descendants tried to escape the disaster, running in many different directions to find a safe place, but they were all eventually killed. The gems themselves—by direction of the founders—each tried to protect themselves from that point onwards. They changed the environment around them, which it the reason for the diverse islands of Greenfell. They also went into a sort of hibernation mode, locking the extent of their power away—until certain conditions are met.  


The Catalyst was rediscovered by Barthlomew—a founder of RBOSTI—and a group of mercenaries during the early months of 228 R.H. It was here that the Catalyst was brought back into the light—and into the crosshairs of the Cult. The mercenaries did not however, know what they had found, and promptly lost the Catalyst to the Torlan government. It was then reacquired by Barthlomew, and wielded by Steve George—another founder of RBOSTI—for a few months. Eventually, Steve began using Atspal, and the Catalyst was put on display in RBOSTI headquarters where it could supposedly be protected. The Catalyst was then later accidentally stolen by a team of RBOSTI operatives, where it was wielded by Ukar.


The Catalyst is one of the most powerful items ever created in the existence of Tourceia. Those who know of its existence have waged wars over its gems, and constantly attempt to win over the favor of their wielders. The Cult of Chroma especially wishes to acquire the Catalyst, as they know how powerful it is—and who created it. They will stop at nothing to get their hands on it. Should the Catalyst fall into the wrong hands, the wielder could be unstoppable.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Creation Date
Approximately 500 B.R.H
Current Location
Used by
Priceless—one of the most powerful and sought after objects in Tourceia.
Raw materials & Components
  • Dragonsteel
  • Scalite
  • Draconic Magic

Articles under The Catalyst