The Umbric Isles Geographic Location in Adventures in Addilon | World Anvil

The Umbric Isles

Found in the center of the Lake of Giants is the Unbric Isles. A chain of six large islands, each with its own unique environment and culture. Almost all the islands except Sycomric and the largest island of Unbric carry the names of their noble families. Sycombric was once named Balinvore, but when the Addiolis Republic's capital of Parnath was constructed on the isle, it was changed so that no family had more authority than another. Umbric bears no name of a noble house as the island is almost entirely uninhabited except for Fort Oremus and a handful of outlaws.

Additionally, this large island is known for a myriad of strange phenomena. The Blue Light of Addolis is most notable on the island's tallest peak. The light has been consistent since the isles were first settled after the Age of Cataclysm, and no one has discovered why it shines.


Each of the six islands that make up the isles is vastly different. Everything from the environment to the history and culture tell a unique story.  


As the archipelago's namesake, Umbric is the largest of the six islands. Despite its size, it is relatively uninhabited due to its hostile environment. The island is known for its horrifying monsters, deadly terrain, and strange phenomena. One of the island's most notable features is its extensive mountain range and the strange blue light that crowns its highest peak. The mountains are named the Alta Range in honor of the first expedition to scale it and return. However, the expedition nearly didn't return, with its leader,r Wilric Alta, and over half his party being killed during it. The island is also home to dozens of ruins that date before the cataclysm, many of which held magic treasures. These treasures lure the brave and the foolhardy to die on the island's shores. Perhaps this is why some have decided to attempt to settle the island. On its southern coast, a small settlement named Fort Orimus. It is here where many of the expeditions start. Yet, the fort is not the only settlement on the island. It is said that either the Darksky Forest or the Caustic Valley has a settlement of outlaws and pirates.  


Although larger than Summervale, Trescott has a much smaller population. The island is relatively flat, with vast swaths of forest land. The largest of the forests is known as the Weeping Wood, named for the sounds it makes during the night. It is said in the center of the forest sits a ruin where spirits and other undead hide during the day. These tales are not only stories; many loggers and farmers go missing in the Weeping Wood each year, and even entire families who live at its edge sometimes vanish. This phenomenon has caused those who live on the island to move to its only city, Larden. Additionally, many common folk worship the Ruinik gods Ualval and Loza for protection against the horrors of the forest. Despite the fear surrounding the forest, the island has few other resources, and its industry relies on the trees of the Weeping Wood.  


This crescent-shaped isle is the largest habitable island in the archipelago. Its snow-capped mountains and dark forests distinguish it from the others. Additionally, it is the home to the capital city of Parnath. When the city was being built, after the republic's creation, the island's name was changed from Balinvore to the ancient name of Sycombrik. This was done so that no house should be greater than another. The island is also well known for its industries. Parnath produces much of the island's refined goods, with the other cities and towns having raw materials like wool, iron, and grains.  


The smallest of the six islands, Summervale, is ruled by a dynasty with the same name. The island is characterized by its rolling pasture lands and rocky coasts. In the rolling hills are many barrow mounds protected by the Ruinik temple of Polymela, which is prominent on the island. Another critical location is the island's only city, Haven, founded by Queen Nuru Summervail, who was a devout follower of Polymela. The city was named Haven as it became the resting place for many fallen knights who couldn't be identified during the Stronvalian Invasion of 732UB. The island's rocky shores have large iron deposits just below the waves, and the island has many underwater mines where lizardfolk and other amphibian races primarily work in servitude. However, this practice drastically declined after the failed attempt by Senator Colton Kreel and other like-minded senators when they moved to abolish the practice in 890UB and the failed slave revolt of 893UB on Kreshet.  


Nightwillow is exceptionally diverse in its topography as the third-largest island in the chain. It has forests, pasture lands, swamps, and hills. However, the island's most notable features are its black cliff coasts and the massive caverns underneath the isle. The largest city is its ancient capital,l Cliffgate. This city is characterized by its massive black iron gates that span the water between the mainland and Wavebrake Island, which sits off the coast. Wavebreak is home to the ancestral seat of House Nightwillow, and in its crypts are the lords who protected the island against the horrors of the caves. One of the most well-known locations on the island is the Devil's Eye, a pit in the center of the island that goes down into the massive caverns beneath. It's here where horrifying creatures used to ascend and lay waste to the countryside until Fort Holbruk was constructed. Fort Holbruk was the location of the start and end of the bloody Nightwillow Insurrection. Even though the leaders of this failed revolution are dead, the fervor for a free island still lives, with bards writing heroic tails of the rebels.  


Little is known about the island past its mist-covered shores. In 894UB, the ruling family established travel restrictions. What is known is that the island is forested and very flat, with a few small hills. Off the southern coast is a reef where a legendary sea monster named Fortunes Thief made its home. Many of the island's villages are small, with their primary industry being the harvesting of rare ocean plants to make strong liquor and the mining of raven iron to make krithite steel. These menial tasks are performed by either the island's serfs or enslaved people. Unlike many of the other isles, Kreshet has not slowed the importation of aquatic slaves. Even though the slave revolt of 893UB was almost successful in taking a castle. The island is known for its unique guards, who are almost entirely made up of Kenkus. Due to their oppressive nature, the island is little loved by its people and those of the other isles.
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