Addolis Republic Organization in Adventures in Addilon | World Anvil

Addolis Republic

The Addolis Republic is the key trading partner for many nations across the Lake of Giants. Named after the legendary King Addolis, who lived before the cataclysm. This merchant republic was founded in 734UB when the five founding families signed the Pages of Confederation, uniting to combat the growing Stronvalian Empire. Each of the five islands is its own semi-sovereign territory with its own governing bodies. Most of the isles are still governed by a local monarchy that is a subject of the republic. The First Dosin Maximilian Balinvore, built the capital city of Parnath in 748UB. The republic directly controls very little territory; it governs Parnath, Fort Holbruk, and the Village of Lake View. In 874UB, the isle of Nightwillow led an insurrection to dissolve the Pages of Confederation. The island's leader, Duke Tarian Nightwillow, hoped to get other islands to join his cause. However, none came, and within a year, the conflict would end, and the last leaders of the rebellion would be executed in the capital of Parnath. The republic was started with the goal of independence, and to keep that freedom, the nation has worked to innovate. The republic has outfitted all its ships with brass cannons forged in Parnath. Additionally, the government has focused on arcane discoveries. They have funded research institutes, expeditions, and magical innovations. One of the most famous organizations the republic controls is the Republican Corsairs, a group of adventurers from across Addilon who have been given protection in exchange for their loyalty. These corsairs have been influential throughout the nation's history. The republic is expanding its influence by opening state-run customs houses in other countries and sending its fleets to hunt down pirates. However, the republic is neutral when it comes to conflict. The nation has formally declared neutrality in the Azrathian Edrian War despite its financial connections with Azarath.


In 729UB, the Stronvalian Empire continued aggressively expanding across the Lake of Giants. Responding to this growing threat, Maximilian Balinvore, the King of Sycombric, called for a meeting of the five great lords of Umbric. Meeting in the city of Grand Hall, the five lords discussed solutions on how each of them would combat the Stronvalians if they should reach their shores. It was decided that the five kingdoms would create a defensive alliance. Each house sealed this pact by sending a hostage to the others. For two years, Stronival expanded without invading the isles. In the summer of 732UB, an army led by General Orlaith Embereth invaded the eastern edge of Sycombric. It took almost four years of fighting to end the Stronvalian invasion. With the invasion over, the five kingdoms were left devastated and weak. At the conference of Cran in 736UB, Queen Essa of Kreshet proposed to unify the islands. After months of debate, the five lords agreed that unification would keep them free from foreign rule. However, they did not want one singular lord to hold complete authority over them. So, in 736UB, the republic was formed, and the position of Dosin was created. The first elected ruler of the republic was King Maximilian Balinvore.   The Isles lived in general peace for years, slowly becoming a trading empire. In 752UB, the Addolis trading company was created to trade the goods produced in the republic across Addilon. The company became incredibly profitable as merchants sold local products in foreign lands and transported distant luxury goods across the lake. In 784UB, a threat to this sailing empire emerged. A sea serpent settled off the coast of Kreshet. This Leviathan was named Fortunes Thief, destroying ships across the isles. With its den off the coast of Kreshet, it became almost impossible to move ships to the island. At the time, Kreshet suffered from a famine that had destroyed many of its harvests and relied on the food produced in other isles. With no ships able to transport food to the island, the effects of the famine only worsened. Transportation to the island for over a year and a half was nearly impossible due to the serpent. However, none of the other islands wanted to risk their navy destroying the creature. Dosin Thomas Nightwillow called for honorable volunteers to save the people of Kreshet. He proposed the creation of a fleet of ships not controlled by the other isles.   Answering the call, men and ships across the islands came to Parnath. This rough band of brave heroes would set out from the city in late 787UB to attempt to kill the Leviathan. The reports of the battle vary, but one certainty is that the creature was defeated, but at a significant cost. Nearly half of the ships that left Parnath were destroyed. On their return, Dosin Thomas Nightwillow honored many of them with the title of Republican Corsair. Before this, the republic held little authority over the isles, having no standing army or navy. The Corsairs became the first organization run by the government, and in 792UB, the republic created its own military separate from those of the isles.   In 869UB, the first successful expedition of the mountains on Umbric was completed. Wylryc Alta, the halfling adventurer, and his party explored the lands between Fort Oremus and the Umbric mountains. The Elimar Society funded this expedition to find the cause of the strange light on top of Mount Addolis. Ultimately, they could not complete their mission, but they explored much of the island's southern half and were the first to scale the mountains and return. During their assent, Wylryc would be killed by a fearsome creature they named the Sharpmaw Crawler. The surviving party saw the actual size of the mountain range and a hidden valley within it. Despite their failure to discover the phenomenon's cause, they returned with valuable information. In honor of the expedition leader, the mountains he died in were renamed for him, becoming the Alta Range.   In response to increased federal power, republic authority and the national military expanded. The Nightwillow family and many prominent merchants from the island of Nightwillow rose in open rebellion on the 12th of Falrost, 874UB. In his declaration of independence, Tarian cited the exploitation of ruins on Nightwillow by republican officials and the unlawful treatment of his people by garrison troops. The Insurrection started on the night of the 12th of Falrost with the Seizure of Fort Holbruk. Tarian Nightwillow and his two sons, Vallin and Maximilian, led a small force to take the fort. The ambush was swift, and the fort was taken in minutes. Those who refused to join the Insurrection were put to death, including the fort commander Leland Aldmin, Tarian's nephew. Tarian believed other islands would join his cause, knowing he couldn't defeat the republic alone. However, none came to his aid. On the 17th, the key port of Azgran fell to republican forces without a shot fired. Eleven days later, Republican General Rudolph Blackbrick was defeated at High Marsh by Vallin Nightwillow. This was the first victory the rebels had against republican forces in open battle. On the 45th, regrouped republican forces led by Blackbric marched inland from Azgran and attacked Fort Holbruk. This one-sided battle would result in the Nightwillow forces repelling the Republicans. With the string of defeats, Blackbric was moved into a supporting role and was replaced as army commander by Roven Balinvore. On the 53rd, Balinvore coaxed the Nightwillow forces into a bloody battle at Rolrock. This resulted in a crushing defeat for Nightwillow, with both Tarian and his eldest son Vallin being killed.   Soon, on the 5th of Lathander, 875UB Balinvore would lead an attack on Fort Holbruk, destroying the last of the Nightwillow Forces and capturing the young Maximilian Nightwillow. Maximilian would be taken back to Parnath for trial. He would be sentenced on the 48th of Lantander with the remaining rebel leaders. On the 2nd of Solidon, he, along with other sympathizers, would be put to death in Unity Square. His body would be dragged around the city for days after. Maximilian would be buried in an unmarked grave on Sycombric rather than his family crypt under Wave Break Manor.

Unity for Peace and Peace for Freedom

Geopolitical, Republic
Training Level
Leader Title
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Economic System
Market economy
Legislative Body
The primary legislative body is the council of 100. An elected body of 100 landowning citizens elected by 1st citizens.
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Organization Vehicles
Related Ethnicities
Addolis Republic Map


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