The Callings

The Callings, such an informal and simple name for the phenomenom. The power that can be entrusted, enshrined even, unto those of strong faith. Divine power and will passed off to the pious, in trust, for them to wield and call upon. Priests, Templars, and the occasional Zealot are the only ones ever blessed with such a grand gift, and in truth, we know not if piety is the only way one recieves such treatment. It is well noted that most Zealots are not the most scholarly or pious of individuals, just seeming to instinctually have some small basic level of understanding of the spiritual and religious, of matters of faith and Divine Power, just enough to call upon a small fraction of what those whom study and commit their lives and souls to the path of Faith can call upon. Unlike the chaotic, dangerous, potentially destructive nature of the Arts of Arcanis, the Callings are limited in their potential repurcussions, most any such issues will affect you, the caller, and you alone. Unlike those blasted Arts, Calling is a very two way connection, between the caller and the Ascended they are calling out to. As such, when something does go wrong, if the priest or templar stumbles over their scriptures or prayers, if there are negative consequences, they are more or less absorbed merely by the individual, with no real collateral damage. So though some may argue magisters have a far greater threshold of power, or plethora of ways they can wield that power, you would find none amongst the Orders of Cloth or Orders of Steel (Priests or Templars) whom would agree with that statement. For they would prefer reliable, reuseable, balanced and sustained power over chaotic, unbalanced, unstable forces to try and manipulate.

Burnaby Hornsby, Professor of esoterics and spirituality, with a full Doctorate to his name, in his treatise diving into the complexities of magicks and the esoteric forces that exist upon Valerick.


Calling Overview

Calling is a unique force in the world of Valerick, seeming to have its own rules of nature, as it were. It is a unique force to the Arts of Arcanis, even whilst being grouped as its own sort of magick. Whilst being capable, in some circumstances and under the umbrella of the correct diety, of things like enchantment in its own way, the products of blessed or cursed items are nothing like those produced by enchantment as one may think of it. This is not to say blessed (or cursed) objects are not in their own way on par with enchanted items, for they certainly can be.

Every faith has their scriptures and hymns of true power, those prayers that are passed about sparingly, those not kept in the regular holy texts everyone and anyone could access. These are true calls and requests for power, for rewards of faith in a tangible form.

Prayers: These are full sections of scripture, a full verse or two of a hymn, something of substance, a true call for a level of direct intervention of your diety, a miracle. The power that manifests from these is not subtle, it is very notable. These powers alter outcomes, accomplish otherwise impossible feats, and just generally act as one would expect a divine miracle would act, defying logic, reason and any science or study on any logical level.

Each faith has its own Callings, prayers that offer the most faithful and those so marked by their diety the ability to wield a modicum, a pinch, a fraction of true divine power. They are different for each faith, drastically different in most cases, tied to the spheres of their influence. Even where two may share a sphere of influence, the power they grant their followers will likely be different than each others. Such is the way of the Gods, and such is the way of the Calling.

Articles under The Callings

Cover image: Heraldry of the Ascended by Keon Croucher, I used Inkarnate


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