The Sapphire Order

We are the magick of life, for water is the basis of all life. We can enchant, guide, and manipulate those around us, enchant them some might say. In truth we just provide them a path of less resistance to the one they are currently on. For you see that is the nature of Aquamancy, of Uisce. We do not seek the more complete power that other magisters of other orders wield in their arts, we instead follow the flows of the currents all around us, empowering and widening the flows that help accomplish what we intend. Flexibility, that is the core of our discipline, that is the core of the art which we seek to master.

Kolas'ri Gri'loain, Master Magister, explaining the art of Aquamancy to some of his contemporaries from other Orders.


The Sapphire Order is structured more or less similarly to the other orders of the Magisterium, its own collegiates generally located close to the coasts or major rivers and lakes, as one might expect. Though they follow the same blueprint, the Sapphire Order is far less rigid in that structure, the flexible and adaptable attitudes that Uisce inherently encourages creating a paradox of sorts within the organized structure. They are far less top down heavy than their counterparts in the Ruby Order, allowing much more freedom and flexible training methods to magisters individually with their apprentices. There are many whom would perhaps argue that the Sapphire Order is the most decentralized of all eight Orders with its internal structure, though the Emerald Order deserves mention in that discussion as well.


The Sapphire Order values flexibility, especially of the body, for managing and wielding Uisce is oft described as swimming within strong and wild currents. Swimming is a key part of their training, you will never meet a Sapphire Magister who is not capable of swimming even in rough waters. They favor diverse flexibility in their martial training as well, learning a vast variety of techniques, and with a variety of armors and weapons, both melee and ranged. They encourage an active, athletic and acrobatic lifestyle, all of which is part of embracing Uisce and wielding its power to the fullest. They are encouraged to pursue diverse interests as well, often picking up an instrument or some other performative art, and a trade or craft as well. All this is to help strengthen the body, keep it nimble yet powerful, and to keep the mindset diverse and flexible, adaptable.

They will also spend a large amount of time in the water, indeed much of their later training will involve many hours swimming and learning to handle being in the water, even in rough weather and strong currents. This, of course, is meant to help foster and strengthen the bond to Uisce, as it is in fact the manna of Water.

As Flexible as the River, as Mighty as the Tide

Like all magisters in any order, those of the Sapphire Order are effected by the continual interaction with Uisce, with the manna they wield. It can cause physical changes, enhances ones own mental flexibility, and will have many other notable effects upon the magisters of the Sapphire over time. It enhances ones own natural aloofness, a willingness to just go with the flow, as it were. Sapphire mages are known to be quite relaxed and easy-going, and generally have the easiest time in insuring they have positive interaction with the public writ large compared to magisters from any of the other Orders.

Public Agenda

The Sapphire Order are one out of the two Orders most tied to public relations for the Magisterium. They, along with their brothers and sisters in the Diamond Order, are the two most civilian relatable folks. It is the easy-going personalities that play a huge role in the main task within the Magisterium that oft falls upon those of the Sapphire Order. The task of finding, recruiting and providing the basic education to any youth with magickal talent brought to them, as well as doing their final manna test to assign them properly to the tuteladge and guidance of a magister of the appropriate talents.


As with all the Orders within the Magisterium, the Sapphire Order would be a moderately wealthy nation, should its wealth and power ever be that centralized. As with the Orders, it also acts somewhat as a guild of sorts, allowing Magisters to charge quite exuberant rates for their talents and services. Some 12% of all funds earned from their talents are owed to the Magisterium in the form of essentially guild dues, however this is a worthwhile trade off, as it is for all Magisters, as it is this system that allows them to exist without legal and violent persecution.

The Sapphire Order is most active and has most of its own collegiates on the coasts all about the Sea of Sails, spread out rather equally on all three continents, though favoring coastline cities as one might expect, of course.


The Sapphire Order has a long and storied history of being something of the friendly face, along with those of the Diamond Order, of the Magisterium. It is those of the Sapphire, after all, that often begin the educations of new found potential apprentices, and are oft the ones whom are tasked to also calmly and non-forcibly manage to get families to understand the depth of the situation and part ways with their child in such circumstances where magical talent shows itself that young.

Ever Flexible, Ever Capable.

Leonardo Thadeus by Keon Croucher

Artistic Depiction of Leonardo Thadeus, a Magister and Kusurigama practioneer within the Sapphire Order, going through some martial exercises.

This image depicts well the simple, flowing stylings of those of the Sapphire Order. Not for them the over dressed flashiness of their counterparts of the Ruby Order, or the heavy set armor, almost knightlike demeanor of those of Topaz, the magisters of the Sapphire Order prefer simple loose fitting attire, comfortable and flexibly forgiving garments being preferred. You'd not catch a Sapphire Magister dead or alive in plate armor or something like a corset. Freeflowing and loose, just like water itself.
Founding Date
3-7-397 SuD
Alternative Names
Aquamancer's School
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization

Articles under The Sapphire Order

Character flag image: by Keon Croucher (discord name, drizzt103) was the input operator, Midjourney AI took those inputs and put the image together.


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