Aquatic Bond/Aquamancy

Fifth along the manna wheel, our brothers and sisters of the Sapphire Order. To consider their bond, the Aquatic Bond is to consider something, and understand a connection born of comfort, very little conflict, and in a strange and unique twist, a sort of inherent trust. Aquamancers will oft tell you they do not really manipulate or fully contain or shape the manna of Uisce when they weave their magicks, instead they merely feel their way through the flows, the currents all about them, rapidly finding those close together, already mostly in motion in the pattern that they need, and simply provide a pathway, a path of least resistance, to divert the course, weaving their spell-forms within Uisce's own momentum. It is a strange and foreign thought to almost any other magister, yet this is how the magicks of Water function. The bond they form is much the same, for whilst it has notable effects upon the magisters of the Sapphire, none are so jarring or life changing as the other schools of magick go through.

First Arcanist Theresa Lindlewood, giving the introductory lecture to the a hall of several dozen newly marked magister hopefuls in the Academia of Octi, the largest campus of the Magisterium, in the city of Valenwood.

Magisters of the Sapphire Order, well they are, to those without proper understanding, some of the most lax and easy going of magisters when it comes to how they are trained. This perception, though understandable, is of course a far cry from what is actually happening. The truth is the essence of what binds a magister of the Sapphire to Uisce is understanding and a willingness to meet each other where they are at in a fashion. Few and far between are the sorts of mandatory classroom style lectures, the mass research assignments, the endless sparring, or the endless dusty old tomes. Instead those of the Sapphire Order teach the essence of their philosophy and discipline through the interests of their proteges, their apprentices, meeting them where they are at, utilizing those paths of least resistance to teach the important conceptualizations and lessons their pupils will need when they start learning their actual craft. It is a unique and very indirect method of teaching the magickal arts, quite nuanced and yet easier than many would think it would be.


Though much more subtle in its effects, the Aquatic Bond does indeed manifest itself in a few ways within magister of the Sapphire Order. Outwardly physically its effects are rather minor, though the eventually blueing of ones eyes, hair and even fingernails is not unheard of, nor is slight paling of the skin. Physiologically, any magister of the Sapphire Order, even those whom are unpracticed, are just natural swimmers, seeming able to hold their breath for far longer than most, and able to swim with far more ability and confidence than even the most athletic of individuals. This bond does seem to have very limited effects upon any of the magisters' mental or emotional states, though there are a select few notable things in those spheres that oft seem to come from this bond.

Physical Changes

For those of the Sapphire Order, their bond to Uisce will manifest some limited physical changes over time. Mostly changes in hair and eye color and their like, nothing as obvious or drastic as many of the other orders. A blueing of eyes and hair, perhaps a tinging of blue in the finger nails, and perhaps a slight paling of the skin. Not much else however, the Aquatic Bond showing very little effect outwardly upon the magisters of the Sapphire Order.

Emotional Changes

Those of the Sapphire Order generally have a rather calm and easy going demeanor, even those whom may not have been quite that way before their training and time as an apprentice. It is hard to know if this change comes from the bond itself, or the way Sapphire Magisters are trained, though the truth is more likely a little bit of both.

Physiological Changes

Once again, the Aquatic Bond does seem to have a much more limited impact upon magisters of the Sapphire than the bonds magisters of the other orders end up with through their magicks. Their heart rate never seems to vary that much in excitement or confusion, they always seem quite comfortable and relaxed. They are capable of holding their breath for far longer than most, and are very comfortable in the water, far more than even the best swimmers or sailors.

by Keon Croucher (discord name, drizzt103) was the input operator, Midjourney AI took those inputs and put the image together.

Magicks of Aquamancy

Aquamancy is a unique discipline amongst the Arcane Arts, in its indirect and less focused approach. Uisce is ever flowing, all around us, and the most effective means of interacting with this primal force is simply to let its currents, to a point, guide your actions. Water is most effective following the paths of least resistance, the world around us teaches us this fundamental truth, this is the very nature of water. Aquamancy in principle is much the same, its practice focused on that logic, the paths of least resistance.

The source of any Aquamancer's power comes from the Sapphire Currents, the Manna of Uisce, of water. This manna is everywhere, as all the currents are, however Uisce is omnipresent in notable quantities, for in some ways it is the essence of life itself. As such, Aquamancy is not so much a question of wielding and harnessing large volumes of manna directly, as it is knowing how to create and open up new paths of least resistance to allow the manna flows to manifest and shape as you seek.

An Aquamancer's mastery of their talents can be manifest through a variety of spell-forms which are listed below;

Articles under Aquatic Bond/Aquamancy

Cover image: Leonardo Thadeus by Keon Croucher


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