Gnome Species in Aedes | World Anvil
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Gnomes are one of the eight known sentient races that inhabit Aedes. Mysterious and enigmatic, small numbers of them can be found in the settlements of other races, particularly those of humans or Therians.

Basic Information


Gnomes stand around the same height as dwarves, and a bit taller than kobolds. Underneath their masks and robes, they have gray skin, illuminated by red motes of light in patterns resembling constellations.   All gnomes encountered thus far have been nearly identical biologically, having the same proportions and birthmarks.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All gnomes appear to share at least some level of thoughts and sensory capabilities, no matter their distance from one another. The Final Secret referred to this as a "hivemind".

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Gnomes have access to incredibly powerful magic, beyond even that of the River Kingdoms. They are capable of harnessing the Modican Breach to their own ends.

Common Etiquette Rules

All gnomes wear carved masks to hide their faces. Next to nobody has seen a gnome without a mask.

Historical Figures

The Three-Eyed Gnome, an advisor to Marcus Helvidius and friend-turned-foe of the Final Secret.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Gnomes are widely disliked and mistrusted by all other sentient races due to their mysterious nature and power. However, they are reluctantly accepted and relied upon due to their ability to perform feats that no other species can.   The River Kingdoms in particular despise gnomes, and have all but driven them out. Their church preaches against gnomes as heretics.
Average Height
4 feet
Average Weight
90 lbs.
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