Origin of the Mortal Plane

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, where the tapestry of existence unfolds, lies a realm enshrouded in enigma and intrigue - the Mortal Plane. Herein dwell all forms of life, their fates intertwined and inseparable from its mysterious origin. An origin that, across eons, has ignited the curiosity of both humble laymen and erudite scholars alike, sparking countless debates and spawning myriad theories.   The most heralded of these theories was conceived by a being of exceptional intellect and wisdom - Bazelsteen Lazar von Ghushendorf, a wizard of legendary prowess and a master linguist. Bazelsteen postulated an awe-inspiring tale of creation, a narrative that sees the divine trinity of Myrica, Umbris, and Khaefin as the architects of the Mortal Plane.   Umbris, the mighty Forge God, was the primordial spark that ignited the concept of a self-regulating realm. However, he found his aspirations bound by the constraints of his resources. Seeking the wisdom of Khaefin, the sovereign of arcane knowledge, Umbris was able to harness the unfathomable energies of magic and sculpt them into tangible reality. Yet, the nascent Plane yearned for a unifying force, a grand tapestry to hold its existence in harmony. This is where Myrica, the radiant Sun Goddess, intervened. Her luminary strands of divine light served as the ethereal threads that bound the magics into a cohesive and enduring whole.   The genesis of the Mortal Plane remains shrouded in the mists of time, an unsolved riddle that predates even the oldest trollish scriptures of Tu'mir, which chronicle history from a staggering 35,000 years past. It is believed, however, that the birth of the Mortal Plane echoes from a time even further in the depths of antiquity.   Myrica, Umbris, and Khaefin are celestial entities of immense might and ancient existence. Myrica, the bringer of hope, healing, and light, is venerated as the mother of mortal life. Umbris, the divine craftsman, is celebrated for the creation of the dwarven race, embodying the epitome of skill and craftsmanship. Khaefin, the grand magus, is renowned for weaving the vast ocean of magic that permeates the planes, recognized as the supreme authority on all mystical matters.   As to the exact circumstances of the Mortal Plane's birth, theories diverge. Some scholars propose the aftermath of a cataclysmic war amongst the gods as the cradle of its creation. Others argue for a direct and deliberate act of divine will. Regardless of its true beginnings, the Mortal Plane remains an enigmatic jewel in the cosmos, forever captivating the minds of those who dare to unravel its mysteries. The tale of its creation by Myrica, Umbris, and Khaefin is a legend whispered through the ages, instilling a sense of awe and wonder in all who dare to listen.