
The jungles of Tu'mir are a land of mystery and danger, where the lush foliage and treacherous terrain make survival a constant struggle. For those who dare to venture into this unforgiving landscape, the secrets they uncover can be both wondrous and terrifying. Among the creatures who call this place home are the Trolls and Goblins, two species with vastly different approaches to life in the jungle.
  The Trolls have lived in the jungles of Tu'mir for as long as anyone can remember. They have adapted to the harsh environment and learned to live in harmony with the plants and animals around them. Most Troll tribes are small and nomadic, wandering the jungle in search of food and shelter. However, there are a few larger tribes who have banded together to form the city of Moʻuppuk. This bustling metropolis is a rare sight in the jungle, a place where Trolls from all over Tu'mir come to trade goods and exchange knowledge.
  On the other hand, the Goblins have a very different approach to life in the jungle. They believe that the key to survival is to build bigger and better, using their impressive tinkering skills to create elaborate machines and structures. They are not content to simply coexist with the jungle, but seek to dominate it. Their cities and towns are marvels of engineering, powered by steam and clockwork. The Goblins' ability to reproduce at an astonishing rate is what allows them to maintain their foothold in this hostile environment.
  Despite their differences, the Trolls and Goblins of Tu'mir share one thing in common: they must constantly contend with the jungle's many dangers. From venomous snakes and spiders to massive beasts that can crush a man with a single blow, the creatures of the jungle are a constant threat. The Trolls have learned to avoid or even make peace with many of these creatures, but the Goblins prefer a more aggressive approach. They have developed all manner of weapons and defenses to keep the jungle's denizens at bay.
  Despite the challenges of life in Tu'mir, the jungles are a place of wonder and beauty. The towering trees, rushing rivers, and exotic wildlife make it a place unlike any other in Kalash. For those who can survive its dangers, the jungle offers a wealth of resources and opportunities for exploration. But even the hardiest of travelers must be cautious, for the jungles of Tu'mir are a place where one misstep can mean certain death.


Towering mountains dot the landscape. Massive, roaring waterfalls cut away at the stone, leading into snaking rivers which run through the jungle. The scenery making this land as beautiful as it is deadly.


Due to the plentiful rains, warm weather, and fertile soil, Tu'mir is rich with biodiversity. Innumerable insects scuttle along the ground. Creatures of all shapes and sizes either scurrying through the undergrowth or gliding effortlessly through the canopy overhead. Here, it's not only the predatory animals that may try to kill you.

Localized Phenomena

Thunderstorms are plentiful here and can come about without warning. Even during the sunniest of days, it's best to bring an umbrella if you plan on going for a stroll.


Tu'mir means "her death" in the native troll language, in regards to the first Troll High Pirestess' death.
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Inhabiting Species