
Lighthaven, a city founded by the Sunhallowed paladin order, is a shining beacon of hope and strength in the face of darkness. Originally built as a base of operations for the order, the city has grown considerably over the years due to its central location between Almoroc, Newshore, and Mammoria. While mostly inhabited by humans, the city also has significant populations of gnomes, dwarves, and other minor races such as tieflings, halflings, and trolls. Unfortunately, the humans have a strong dislike for all other races except dwarves and gnomes, leading to a segregated society.   Surrounded by forest and farmland on most sides, Lighthaven is a large exporter of barley and fish, among other goods. Its eastern side is located on the coast of Lake Ginbac, a massive body of water that spans hundreds of miles in length and width. The slums, where most races are sent due to human prejudice, are located in the northeast. Meanwhile, the southeast is home to the docks and the political district, where the city's main landmark, Sunspire Temple, stands tall and proud.   The Sunspire Temple is not only a place of worship for the Sunhallowed paladins but also a symbol of their power and influence. Its shining white walls and golden spires reflect the sun's rays, serving as a beacon of hope and inspiration for all who gaze upon it. The temple has one main tower and five towers that are equidistant from each other on the outside of the main tower, and it is located in the political district.   The adventuring district is located near the main gate in the center of the western wall, providing easy access to the city's outskirts and surrounding areas. The city's main trade hub is located in the center of the city, which the main road leads straight to. In addition to these districts, Lighthaven also has a university district and a tinkering district. The university district is home to some of the greatest minds in the realm, while the tinkering district is where the city's skilled craftsmen and engineers work tirelessly to develop new technologies and innovations.   As the political leadership of the city, the Sunhallowed paladin order oversees all major decisions. However, most decisions are made by a majority vote among the five main leaders, ensuring that the order remains true to its founding principles of justice, honor, and service to Myrica. Despite the societal challenges that the city faces, Lighthaven continues to grow and thrive under the Sunhallowed's guidance, standing as a shining example of what can be achieved when people come together and work towards a common goal.

Industry & Trade

Lighthaven's geographical position along the coast of Lake Ginbac and its fertile surrounding lands make it a prime location for various types of industry and trade. Its unique interplay of urban development, maritime activities, and agriculture forms the backbone of the city's economy.   Fisheries and Maritime Trade: Lighthaven's location on the coast of Lake Ginbac makes it an ideal hub for fishing and maritime trade. The city's fisheries are a major part of the local economy, providing jobs for many of the city's residents and supplying fish to markets both within and outside of the city. The Docks District is a hive of activity, bustling with sailors, fishermen, and merchants dealing in goods transported across the massive lake. In addition, the city is a stopping point for many trade routes across the lake, further stimulating its maritime economy.   Agriculture: The fertile lands surrounding Lighthaven produce a large amount of barley and other crops, making the city a major player in the region's agricultural industry. This abundance of produce not only supports the local population but is also exported to neighboring regions, providing an additional source of income for the city.   Craftsmanship and Engineering: The Tinkering District of Lighthaven is known for its skilled craftsmen and engineers. Here, numerous workshops and factories produce a variety of goods, from simple tools to complex mechanical devices. The city's location and trading connections allow it to import high-quality materials for its craftspeople to work with, further boosting this industry.   Education and Research: The University District contributes significantly to the intellectual economy of Lighthaven. It attracts scholars and students from all around, providing education and promoting research in various fields. The knowledge and innovations developed here often lead to new businesses and commercial applications, adding another layer to the city's economic activities.   Trade Hub: Located at the very heart of the city, Lighthaven's main trade hub is where merchants from all over the region come to buy and sell their goods. The bustling marketplace offers a wide variety of products, from locally sourced food and handcrafted items to rare and exotic imports brought in by traveling merchants.   These industries, along with Lighthaven's well-organized infrastructure and the Sunhallowed's robust administration, form a complex and thriving economy that serves as the lifeline of the city. As Lighthaven continues to grow and adapt, so too does its industry and trade, always striving to better serve the city's inhabitants and contribute to its prosperity.


Political District: Located in the southeast of the city, this district is where the city's political leadership resides. It is also the location of the Sunspire Temple, which serves as a symbol of the Sunhallowed's power and influence.   Docks District: This district is located in the southeast of the city, adjacent to the lake. It is the hub for fishing and maritime trade, and is bustling with activity from merchants, sailors, and fishermen.   Slums District: The northeast of the city is where most of the non-human races are relegated to live due to the human's dislike of them. The district is often overcrowded and underdeveloped, with many people living in poverty and struggling to make ends meet.   Adventuring District: This district is located near the main gate in the center of the western wall. It is a lively area filled with adventurers, mercenaries, and bounty hunters. It is home to many taverns, inns, and shops that cater to the needs of those who brave the dangers of the surrounding forests and wilderness.   Trade Hub: The main trade hub is located in the very center of the city, and is where merchants from all over the region come to buy and sell their wares. The bustling market is filled with stalls selling everything from food and clothing to rare and exotic goods.   University District: The university district is located in the heart of the city and is home to several prestigious institutions of higher learning. It is a hub for scholars, researchers, and students, and is known for its excellent libraries and research facilities.   Tinkering District: The tinkering district is located in the southwestern part of the city and is known for its inventors, mechanics, and engineers. The district is home to many workshops and factories where new and innovative machines and devices are invented and manufactured.


Founding of Lighthaven (1 4E): Lighthaven was established on the shores of Lake Ginbac in the region of Korana, marking the dawn of a new city rich with potential.   Construction of the Sunhallowed Citadel (50 4E): Following the founding of the Sunhallowed in 1 4E, the grand Sunhallowed Citadel was built, becoming a beacon of hope, resilience, and spiritual guidance for the city's inhabitants.   First Great Fire of Lighthaven (200 4E): A devastating fire broke out, causing considerable damage to the burgeoning city. This event prompted city leaders to implement stricter building codes and establish a city fire brigade.   The Blizzard of Desolation (282 4E): A winter storm of an intensity unheard of descended on Lighthaven. Its aftermath brought forth improved community support systems and stronger infrastructure to withstand nature's fury.   Ascendance of the Arcane College (1200 AC): The Arcane College, a hub of magic and alchemical learning, was established in Lighthaven. This led to a surge of magical advancements and transformed the city into a beacon of mystical knowledge.   Establishment of the Lighthaven University (2950 HE): The founding of Lighthaven University set the city as a center for various branches of learning. Its influence seeped into the city, marking it as a destination for scholars across Korana.   Construction of Lighthaven's Grand Library (3002 HE): The construction of the Grand Library signified the city's deep-rooted respect for knowledge. This monumental structure served scholars from across the lands and held countless scrolls, texts, and records of history.   The Great Earthquake (3711 HE): A devastating earthquake shattered the tranquility of Lighthaven. The city recovered and built back stronger, enforcing advanced masonry techniques and magical fortifications to protect against future calamities.   The Crystal Festival (431 6E): Lighthaven hosted the first-ever Crystal Festival, celebrating the abundant geode deposits in the surrounding area. The event, filled with gem-themed decorations, jewelry trade, and a grand feast, attracted people from distant lands.   Establishment of the Lighthaven Market (500 6E): Lighthaven officially established its grand central market, which quickly became a focal point for trade in the region. The market boosted the city's economy and increased its strategic importance in regional commerce.   The Fields of Sorrow (122 ND): The Sunhallowed defended Lighthaven from a Darkbrood Cultist invasion. The conflict, known as The Fields of Sorrow, resulted in heavy casualties, marking a somber period in the city's history.   Lighthaven's Silver Jubilee Celebrations (375 ND): Celebrating 375 years since its founding, Lighthaven held grand jubilee celebrations. Festivities that spanned an entire year showcased Lighthaven's resilience, culture, and growth.   The Day of Shadows (408 ND): An unforeseen solar eclipse turned day to night, causing a stir among the city's inhabitants. Filled with a sense of awe and fear, the day inspired numerous folktales and superstitious beliefs.   Shadow Plague Outbreak (434 ND): The city was struck by the deadly Shadow Plague, which took a significant toll on the population. The event spurred advancements in health infrastructure and disease management in the city.   Discovery of Rhyolite (452 ND): The discovery of the lighter-than-air mineral, Rhyolite, brought a wave of scientists, explorers, and entrepreneurs to Lighthaven, significantly impacting the city's economy and technology sector.   The Blossom Plague (458 ND): A mysterious illness, marked by its rosy skin blotches, spread through Lighthaven. Prompt action by the city's healers and alchemists controlled the disease, making significant strides in the field of magical medicine.   Great Flood of Lighthaven (460 ND): Heavy rainfall caused the Lake Ginbac to overflow, leading to significant flooding in Lighthaven. This event led to the construction of improved flood defenses around the city.

National Anthem

(Verse 1) Arise, sons and daughters of radiant light, From the heart of Myrica's blessed sight, Stand with valor, with honor so bright, In our beloved city, Lighthaven, our might!   (Chorus) Sing, sing for Lighthaven, home of the brave, A beacon of hope, to the lost we shall save, Under sun-kissed towers, and the Sunspire's gaze, Forever we stand, in Myrica's grace.   (Verse 2) Through storm and strife, through darkened night, Against the shadows, we will fight, With Sunhallowed hearts, and courage alight, In our beloved city, Lighthaven, our light!   (Chorus) Sing, sing for Lighthaven, steadfast and strong, A fortress of faith, where we all belong, In unity we rise, to the Sunhallowed song, Forever we stand, where our hearts are strong.   (Bridge) From the depth of despair, to the height of delight, From the dawn's first glow, to the stars' goodnight, Every dream we dare, every wrong we right, In our beloved city, Lighthaven, our light!   (Chorus) Sing, sing for Lighthaven, our home, our pride, Under the sun, where truth and love abide, With Myrica's blessing, we stride side by side, Forever we stand, with the light as our guide.   (Outro) So here's to Lighthaven, in splendor it gleams, City of sunshine, land of dreams, In the heart of the faithful, forever it beams, Lighthaven, our haven, in the sun's golden streams
Founding Date
835 2E
Included Locations