The Fields of Sorrow

The battle that took place in Mournstead over a hundred years ago was a violent and bloody conflict between the Sunhallowed Paladins and the Darkbrood Cultists.   The Sunhallowed Paladins were a group of knights who worshipped the sun god and were sworn to protect the innocent from the forces of darkness. They were known for their bright and shining armor, and their unwavering devotion to justice.   The Darkbrood Cultists, on the other hand, were a group of necromancers and dark mages who worshipped the goddess of death and sought to bring about the end of the world. They wore black robes and wielded dark magic, using their powers to raise the dead and spread terror and destruction wherever they went.   The two factions had been locked in a bitter struggle for control of the region for many years, and the battle in Mournstead was the culmination of this conflict. The Sunhallowed Paladins had received word that the Darkbrood Cultists were planning to launch a massive attack on the town, and had gathered their forces to defend it.   The battle was fought over the course of many days, with both sides suffering heavy losses. The Darkbrood Cultists had brought with them hordes of undead soldiers, and the Sunhallowed Paladins were hard pressed to hold their ground against the relentless assault.   In the end, however, the Sunhallowed Paladins emerged victorious. They were able to drive back the Darkbrood Cultists and destroy their army, although not without significant losses of their own. The area around the town was designated as a mass graveyard, where the fallen soldiers from both sides were interred.   The memory of the battle is still alive in the hearts and minds of the people of Mournstead, and they hold an annual remembrance ceremony to honor the fallen soldiers and to remind themselves of the importance of peace and unity.  

Darkbrood Cult

The Darkbrood Cultists who worshipped Myemis, the god of undeath, were a particularly fearsome opponent in the battle. They were known for their dark and sinister magic, which allowed them to summon hordes of undead soldiers to do their bidding. The undead soldiers were relentless and difficult to defeat, as they were immune to most conventional weapons and could only be destroyed by holy magic or fire.   One soldier who fought in the battle, a young man named Thomas, wrote about his experiences with the Darkbrood Cultists in his journal. He described their twisted and corrupted bodies, and the way their eyes glowed with an unnatural light. He wrote about the fear that he felt when he saw the first wave of undead soldiers advancing towards him, and how he had to rely on his training and the strength of his comrades to hold the line.   Thomas also wrote about the Cultists themselves, and how they seemed to revel in the chaos and destruction that they were causing. They laughed and jeered as they cast their dark spells, and seemed to delight in the suffering of others. Thomas was horrified by their actions, and felt a deep sense of anger and hatred towards them.   Despite the danger and the horror of the battle, Thomas and the other Sunhallowed Paladins remained steadfast in their determination to protect Mournstead and its people. They fought bravely and tirelessly, using all of their skills and abilities to defeat the Darkbrood Cultists and their army of undead soldiers.   In the end, it was the courage and determination of the Sunhallowed Paladins that allowed them to emerge victorious. Although they suffered significant losses in the battle, they were able to drive back the Darkbrood Cultists and restore peace to the region. The memory of their sacrifice lives on in the hearts of the people of Mournstead, who honor their fallen heroes each year and remain vigilant against the forces of darkness that still threaten their town.  

Thomas' Journal

Day 1: Today marks the beginning of my journey to Mournstead. I have been recruited by the Sunhallowed Paladins to join the battle against the Dark Raiders. The journey has been long and tiring, but we finally arrived at our destination.   Day 3: We have begun our preparations for the battle. The town of Mournstead is on high alert, and everyone is working together to fortify the defenses. The people here are brave and resilient, and it gives me hope that we can succeed in protecting them.   Day 6: The Darkbrood's army have arrived. They outnumber us, and their weapons are more advanced than ours. But we have faith in our training and in each other. The battle is intense, and I can hear the clash of swords and the screams of the wounded. But I know we are fighting for something greater than ourselves.   Day 8: The fighting has been going on for days, and both sides have suffered heavy losses. I have seen too many of my comrades fall, and it weighs heavily on my heart. But I will not let their sacrifice be in vain.   Day 10: Victory is ours. The Darkbrood have been defeated, and their leader has been captured. The town of Mournstead is safe, and we have succeeded in our mission. But the cost has been high. I mourn the loss of my brothers and sisters in arms, but I am proud of what we have accomplished.   Day 14: I am leaving Mournstead today, and my heart is heavy with both sorrow and hope. Sorrow for the lives that were lost in the battle, but hope for the future of this town and its people. I will never forget the bravery and resilience that I witnessed here, and I will carry their memory with me always.
Conflict Type
Start Date
Illios 15, 122 ND
Ending Date
Illios 20, 122 ND