Cidmolha (SIDD-MOLE-HAH)

The largest city in the entirety of Elzveir, Cidmolha boasts a population of over 200 million people. It is divided into numerous grand districts, including industrial and harbor wards. In some areas of this incredible megalopolis, extravagant homes can be found, constructed by nobles who left their homelands to experience everything this grand city has to offer.

Much of the industrial smog of the city has been quelled in recent years, however, as complaints of pollution in the waters to the north of the city led to significant efforts made to limit the pollutants entering the air in the city, particularly by nobles who were tired of having their balcony views and breathing air riddled with toxins. Despite its size and heavy industrialization, Cidmolha actually has far less pollution than any other city in the nation of Suorr as a result of these efforts.


10% human, 10% half-elf, 10% elf, 10% hibridia, 10% half-gaian, 10% gnome, 10% dwarf, 5% half-gnome, 5% half-dwarf, 5% gaian, 5% steeljoint, 5% moet, 5% other ancestries
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