Suorr (SWAR)

This article is about the geographical region. To learn about the people who live within the region's anarcho-capitalist society, visit the Free Cities of Suorr.

For much of Suorr's history, it was an uninhabited swamp that invited few guests, with most preferring to reach western Elzveir through the lands now called Cyfrolaef. This made it an attractive spot for individuals fleeing their governments. While most were outlaws initially, some were refugees from Copari, with even more from other nations during and after the Reckoning. The society of the Free Cities grew gradually over the course of many centuries, but this growth was rapidly accelerated when Dr. Rayfield Smit migrated his operations here after the Reckoning, constructing roads, housing, and various other amenities to accommodate a large workforce for Smit Inc.. Other corporations followed suit, taking advantage of the region's lack of governance to establish a strong presence within the region. Since then, the vast, muggy swamp of Suorr has become a bastion of industry and progress, though the skies are often filled with dark smog and the people covered in soot.


Suorr is an attractive region of Elzveir to make a life for oneself because of its lack of governance, progressive cities, and the promise that anyone can achieve their dreams (regardless of whether this is true or not) within its borders... it is not attractive because of its environment, which is often humid, sticky, and a hive of insects and mold. Dust mites, mosquitoes, and various brands of fungi thrive in the vile swamps of Suorr, making it a less-than-desirable location for many Aenish folk in spite of its booming industry and the absence of a ruling authority. While entertainment industries have tried to improve the quality of life in Suorr through casinos, moving pictures, and other enjoyable activities, Suorr is still one of the most hostile ecosystems in Aen, let alone Elzveir.



Ebul is the name given to the entirety of Suorran's enormous and diverse forest, as it slowly transitions into an icy forest as it bleeds into the Nortmol. In this peat swamp forest, weeping willows rise from soft, mossy earth. Small ponds dot the landscape, where various amphibians and reptiles have made their homes. Even staying on the roads of Ebul can be dangerous due to the violent denizens of the swamp, from gators to panthers to monsters unknown, so it is not uncommon for travelers to move through the swampland in large groups with hired protection.


Nortmol is a marshland that slowly transitions into a bizarre tundra, where the mud and sand of the marsh have been frozen by the cold north. It's considered one of the more livable regions of Suorr due to the drastic temperature drop, but the land around it is still a challenge to traverse, as the frozen landscape is fragile and any amount of weight could send travelers descending into pits, quagmires, or quicksand. Roads here are pocked with potholes as efforts to repair them have proven futile in the past due to the relentless shifting of the landscape.

Suorran Plains

Perhaps the most "hospitable" region of Suorr, the plains are home to short but thick foliage. The plains are a mixture of marshes and bogs pocketing a roughly 350 square kilometer region of northern Elzveir. Traveling the bog requires extreme cautions as quicksand, quagmires, and pits riddle the landscape. The construction of the Elzveiran Railroad here was a godsend for travelers, as it also led to well-maintained roads leading through the plains, making travel far less deadly... provided you don't stray from the path.
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Related Reports (Secondary)
Simple Tips for Players/Writers
Comparative Geography

The Pantanal

Comparative Society/Governance

A mixture of the Roman Empire and the Icelandic Commonwealth; no true comparative to this society exists.

Comparative Architecture

Rococo architecture, though overly-simplified to favor function over art.



Suggested Accent (if desired)

Mixture of English (Yorkshire), Mexican Spanish

Bastard Name


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