Guarveno (GWAR-VEEN-OH)

The westernmost city of Suorr, Guarveno is nestled against Rozhi's Shieldwall, which makes it a prime location for mining operations. At all times of the year, a thick cloud of black smoke hovers above the city as it harvests oil, coal, iron, quartz, and even precious gems from som locations. As one of the most efficient mining towns in all Elzveir--perhaps the entire world of Aen--Guarveno is filthy, but profitable.


15% human, 15% dwarf, 10% daemonborn, 10% half-elf, 10% gaian, 10% half-gaian, 10% gnome, 5% fairy, 5% steeljoint, 5% hibridia, 5% other ancestries
Large city
22,113, 400
Location under
Owning Organization


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