Panvila (PAN-VEEL-UH)

On the northern coast of Suorr, this grand yet dreadfully humid city attracts people from all over seeking to enjoy its unparalleled nightlife. Panvila features brothels, casinos, and coliseums galore, promising to fulfill every desire of those who visit... provided they arrive with full wallets. Critics call it a tourist trap and city of debauchery, but the vast majority of Elzveir disagrees heavily. Panvila is also one of the few cities in Suorr where industrial districts have not been constructed. Various reasons are given for this, but the most popular reason came from Fenwyn Corp., whose CEO stated that "The smog of industry pales in comparison to the smell of panvilan piss.", referring to the strong scent of urine that permeates the streets of the city.


15% human, 15% half-gaian, 15% dwarf, 10% gnome, 10% half-elf, 10% steeljoint, 10% daemonborn, 5% orc, 5% half-dwarf, 5% other ancestries
Large city
Location under
Owning Organization


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