Euphora Hojaplata (YOO-FOR-UH HO-YUH-PLAH-TUH)

Euphora is the child of Javier and Teresa Hojaplata, with Javier being a fox hibridia. Typically, this would result in her receiving the hibridian traits in their entirety, but Euphora was unique in that she was given mostly the elven traits of her mother, though her fox ancestry does still appear in her ears, tail, and a bit of her facial structure. Her beauty is further amplified by the fact that both of her parents were... incredibly gorgeous people. On top of this, they were also incredibly wealthy, having taken advantage of the opportunities granted by Leonov's War to increase their fortune. Their efforts eventually brought Euphora to Ukwam City, where she remained as a minstrel for the castle at the request of Laoise Kindellan-Sonder and (more directly) the gardener Aoife Gilmore.  



As a Young Girl

Euphora was born in Suorr in the year 248. She was immediately one of the luckiest children in Aen, as her parents were incredibly wealthy real estate moguls, flipping old, run-down houses into Suorran-inspired, white-washed structures devoid of personality. She got to travel all over Elzveir with them, staying in luxurious hotels and mansions.

During Leonov's War

In the year 249, Leonov's War began, resulting in the brutal, chaotic destruction of many locales in northwestern Elzveir. The war kept the Hojaplata family from returning to Suorr from Kathaya for some time. Euphora does not recall much of this period of her life, but she does remember that after Leonov’s War concluded and the Federation of Miliim was established, she and her family traveled back home and then to Miliim after discovering that there was a wealth of opportunity for their own advancement, there.

Real Estate Opportunities

The establishment of the Federation of Miliim meant that there were people from all over the Elzveir needing to relocate their families and loved ones to Miliim as they took on new roles in the freshly-established duchies. Additionally, there were numerous homes that had been abandoned by (or stolen from) Miliir peoples. These presented excellent opportunities for the Hojaplata family, so they got to work flipping houses for newcomers from all over the continent, putting that ‘unique Suorran touch’ on the once-distinct buildings so that travelers could feel more at home in these new lands.

They made a great deal of money doing it and eventually even found themselves enjoying notoriety. Not enough to become nobles, but enough that nobles requested their assistance on occasion.

Service to House Sonder

When Euphora was a bit older than 30, she was assisting her parents with the task of designing and constructing the servant’s homes in the Ukwamkasri grounds, though she herself wasn’t really all that helpful with such things, preferring to gossip with members of the household, eavesdrop on conversations, and occasionally play her harp. It was this harp playing that caught the ear of Aiofe Gilmore, the gardener, who beckoned Duchess Laoise Kindellan to come and hear. Laoise enjoyed the harp strumming so much because it reminded her of her own home, where string instruments were especially common on the streets. Laoise asked Euphora if she would like to become the minstrel of House Sonder, as they had never had one. For the past twenty years, Euphora has served House Sonder in this capacity.


The Rooks of Elzveir

The Wedding of Artyom Sonder

Euphora was tasked with performing at the wedding of the young Sonder Marquess, Artyom Sonder. She spent (some) of her free time working on a song for the wedding and, when the day to leave came, packed her numerous suitcases, grabbed her harp, and strode down join the royal entourage.
Date of Birth
Daith 2nd, 248
Year of Birth
248 AR 54 Years old

Character Portrait image: by Vittoria


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