House Svildra (House SVILL-DRUH)


A family of predominantly human and half-elven individuals, House Svildra originated in Copari of Elzveir. There, they have historically overseen local quartz, marble, and stone excavation work at the base of the mountains surrounding D'Casta, as well the actual construction completed with such materials. Being a family so closely associated with masonry has benefited House Svildra in many ways, the first of which is their extravagant architecture. House Svildra, being responsible for the city of D'Casta where the builders of Copari are trained, has led the construction of some of the greatest buildings not only in Copari, but in all of Aen, as their design capabilities have been requested by individuals across not only Elzveir, but the entirety of the world.  

In Miliim

When the time came for Copari to elect its representative in the newly-founded Federation of Miliim, there was a great deal of debate over who should be chosen. Most in Copari wanted an older individual to be sent as their representative, given that Copari's republic has always been a gerontocracy. However, the older generations did not wish to uproot their lives and move to the windier, colder tundra of Miliim from the warm prairies of Copari. Instead of choosing who would go, the nation had to resort to seeking volunteers. They found their prime volunteer in Zhiven Prokhor, who was more than willing to relocate himself and his immediate family to become Duke of Mjwaka.

The path to greatness is paved with quartz and marble.

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