Republic of Copari

Notes:The densely-populated domain of Copari is a communist gerontocracy, ruled by the 5 oldest living individuals within the nation, which must be natural-born citizens in order to qualify, and they must not be members of a noble house. The five different-colored feathers on the plume extending from the purple knight's helm represent the five leaders of the nation. The 5 oldest individuals, dubbed First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Consilier, form the Sftaintel of Copari.  

Since before the Reckoning, Copari has ensured each of its citizens have housing, food, clothing, healthcare, and other "human essentials". To make this work, all citizens are assigned a role within the city when they are of age. Prior to this, they are given a nationally mandated and structured education, receiving their work assignment upon graduation (typically at age 14, though some exceptions may occur based on the needs of the nation). Roles are assigned by a number of factors, but are heavily skewed by the skill of the assigned and the needs of the nation. Individuals can petition for specific roles, but this is only occasionally granted. Individuals are expected to work in these roles for a minimum of 50 years, at which point they are assured retirement and may live out the rest of their days within the city, having all their needs provided for in perpetuity. While roles vary from one city to the next, they are typically one of the following:

  • childminder
  • soldier
  • transporter
  • editor
  • manufacturer
  • ward
  • shepherd
  • educator
  • maid
  • trade worker (varies by city)
  • escort
  • sanitation worker
  • ranger
  • farmer
  • messenger
  • medic
  • cook
  • builder

In each city, a "pseudo noble house" presides. While such noble houses are based on bloodlines as in standard medieval kingdoms, each noble houses is headed not by a typical inheritor, but by the eldest living member of the immediate family who shares the family name, be they man or woman. These noble houses then oversee ever facet of their respective city's individual purpose (e.g., one household may oversee a city of fishing, which would include overseeing everything from the actual act of fishing to the logistics of transporting those fish to other cities within the nation). The noble houses are also responsible for managing the distribution of food and clothing, the construction of adequate housing, and every other aspect of a Coparian city. Members of noble houses are not permitted to petition for a position on the council.


While citizens are allegedly permitted to leave Copari at any time, this is not actually feasible through legal means. Attempts to leave are typically thwarted by guards who give a variety of reasons for their stopping of the attempt, with the most common explanation being that a citizen cannot survive the journey to a neighboring city without an escort. Citizens have repeatedly petitioned the nation's governing body to provide such escorts on at least a monthly basis for those wishing to leave, but this has never been granted. People do still leave Copari, but typically only succeed in doing so through illegal or exceptionally dangerous means, like ascending the northern mountains or stowing away on a trade ship.


The majority of Copari's citizens believe that this is the best that life has to offer them. They are guaranteed housing, healthcare, food, water, and every other basic need for the entirety of their lives. Additionally, they have the knowledge that after 50 years of service in Copari, they are permitted to spend the rest of their days cared for and protected within the city. There are common criticisms of this, however, particularly from those with shorter lifespans. Elves have the best deal in Copari, needing only work 5% of their lives before spending the remainder of it cared for without the need for work. Other races with substantially shorter lives may get to spend little to no time enjoying a retired life.


Another criticism of Copari is the excessive amount of labor conducted within the nation. Individuals work 8-10 hour days, every day of the week. Petitions for days off have been submitted many times, but the Sftaintel of Copari dismisses them with various declarations that often boil down to "I had to work 10/10s, and so must you", though it is often flavored with their typical spice of "You do this for your countrymen".


Copari has a strict policy on its imports. It only imports materials, no goods. Even visitors are not permitted to bring non-Copari items across the nation's border. Clothes, weapons, food--nothing that is not made in Copari is permitted to cross the nation's borders. Their imports tend to be things that cannot be found or manufactured within Copari, like particular forms of wood, certain animals, or particular metals (copper being the most commonly imported).


Some individuals from other nations come to Copari for the services the nation provides for its people and workers. Refugees are typically the homeless or sick from Suorr in the northwest, though other nations also have refugees arrive in Copari as well. Elves are another common immigrant into the nation, but only those who don't have the skill or interest needed to thrive in other nations. Anyone who ventures into Copari and intends to use the nation's services is expected to participate in the labor force, unless the individual is an honored and invited guest of a noble house or the Sftaintel, in which case the individual's house will be responsible for accommodating the guest and providing for their needs.


All Coparian goods are produced under the Atalu Co. name.


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