Kilm City (KIHLM)

Kilm is a grand city surrounded by gorgeous pines; while it has some lumbering expeditions, Kilm's leadership has historically been extremely cognisant of their impact on the local environment, ensuring that nature is always fully replenished by their logging operations. This has resulted in a dense pine forest that serves as a natural defense for Kilm and its associated villages--as well as excellent air quality for the local populace. Even after the Federation of Miliim was established, Kilm's new leadership, Clan Sigrendottir, maintained the surrounding forest in the same way that the city's predecessors had.

Under Aldurish Leadership

Following Leonov's War, Kilm was given over to Aldurstein, who would then appoint a leader to rule the city and serve as Aldurstein's representation in the federation. The then-queen requested that Clan Sigrendottir select someone to serve, with the requirement that the leader be a woman, as was traditional for Aldurstein. The clan chose Tonna Sigrendottir to serve as Duchess of Kilm, with power later being ceded to her daughter Dremma upon Tonna's death in 299 AR.



Tonna Sigrendottir (252-299) Dremma Sigrendottir (299-Present)

City Map


40% human, 20% half-elf, 15% gaian, 10% half-gaian, 10% hibridia, 5% other ancestries



Center of alchemical work, including growing and processing the materials needed for alchemy.  


The Astracade is a center for astronomy and cosmology. After the Federation of Miliim was established and Aldurstein was given power over the city, the district's purpose shifted to a center of generic knowledge and study rather than being focused on the study of stars, though there is still a small school here for astromancers. Most of the original educators and experts in the Astracade went north to continue their studies and research at the Temple of Stars in Vaernebo  

Belay's Barracks

Named for General Belay Odili of the Miliir Army, who died centuries before the Reckoning during a war with the nation that had once presided in the south (since crushed and turned to the ruin of Cyfrolaef). Belay's Barracks has only grown in prominence since Aldurstein took over the rulership of Kilm. This now-vast district takes up much of the southwestern section of the city and is where numerous soldiers of the city are trained and housed.  

Civic Borough

The Civic Borough is an expansive municipal district where various government buildings can be found. The most prominent is the Uongoz, a tremendous building in the center of the city with a huge spire that can be seen from anywhere in Kilm. The primary purpose of Uongoz (WAHN-GOZZ) is to house the rulers of Kilm and their family. Civil utilities, like electricity and telephony, are also managed in this district.  

Craftsman's Corridor

District devoted to the artisans and craters of Kilm, where they may practice their trades, train apprentices, and even sell wares.  

Eden Enclave

The Eden Enclave is home to a few grand temples and chapels devoted to deities typically worshipped by the people of Aldurstein. The gods of Miliim--primarily Bolkor--were gradually phased out of the city not by any sort of decree, but because worship of other deities became more popular as citizens of Aldurstein migrated to Kilm.  


Etheria is a district where middle and upper class citizens have their homes.  

Finance Nexus

A district devoted to banks, brick-and-mortar shops, and pop-up merchant stalls.  


Harvestholm is a massive district that extends beyond the walls of the central city to allow for plenty of agricultural real estate. Harvestholm isn't just where crops are grown, though--it is also where crops are processed and stored. Grain silos rise from the city streets and can be seen towering above the walls that protect the main city.  


Manufacturing and industrial district, where various international companies have established factories or other bases of operation.  


An incredibly beautiful district built around Lake I'Zii (IH-ZEE). The district is small, but the homes here are magnificent and beautiful. Only the wealthiest in Kilm can afford to live in this guarded, gorgeous region of the city.
Large city
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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