Clan Sigrendottir (CLAN SIGG-RENN-DAW-TERR)


Clan Sigrendottir is a clan of gaians and half-gaians from Aldurstein. They've made their fortune by sea, whether it be through dock management or offering transportation services. Additionally, they supply much of the queendom's navy. They are based in the city of Hjalt at the base of the fjord south of Aldurstein, where their docks span the full width of their grand, snow-addled city.  

In Miliim

No one from Aldurstein was especially keen on leaving the northlands of Aldurstein for the windy, unwelcoming tundra of Miliim. Additionally, no one of noble lineage was thrilled about the idea of sharing the federation with three fainarran representatives. However, someone had to do it, and the queen was looking for volunteers after Leonov's War ended and the Federation of Miliim was founded. Only a few offered themselves, and among them was Tonna Sigrendottir. She was ultimately chosen for her business acumen, gleaned from years managing the docks of Hjalt, and she took her family to Miliim. Unfortunately, the city over which she presided had no docks, though there were a number of smaller settlements within it that had ports and harbors. Tonna bolstered these settlements quickly to establish her region of influence as another solid trade point. Her descendants have carried on this legacy, often spending more time in the smaller, port-side settlements than the actual city over which they preside, Kilm.

Engagement of Indira Sigrendottir to Artyom Sonder

In the year 300, at the funeral of Aisha Mhiina, Landyn Sonder II approached Dremma Sigrendottir, the Duchess of Kilm, to discuss wedding his son to her daughter in an effort to improve relations between the nations they represented, with House Sonder representing the Principality of Buern. After some deliberation, an agreement was struck, and a date was set for the following year.

Sails unfurled claim the winds of fortune.

Geopolitical, Clan
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
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