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Aubermont Hold

This tactically sized hold was built by an evil tyrant a few decades ago, and is decent; there are only a few cracks in the walls, but the place can withstand a siege. As you approach, the scent of brine fills your noses, accompanied by the gentle lull of the waves.   It is known for hosting many parties for foreign nobility, and is worth defending because the nearby harbor is important for trade. The castle needs assistance divining the potential wealth of an ore vein nearby.  


Aubermont Hold is owned by a family descended from a dragon who took the shape of a human. It was forcefully seized from a rival. Jaxon Sangster is currently looking for a very unique plant to use in the surrounding landscaping.


Its outer walls are defended by a tall and wide battlement, and the lands it encompasses are very crowded with houses as the  city almost entirely lies within the walls. The hold's inner walls feature several covered parapets with murder holes under which intruders must pass, protecting the castle itself, which is more modest than one would expect- space is used carefully inside the castle.  


The dungeon located in a tower set apart from the main castle is known as Nikola's Dungeon, and was built as part of the original castle. It is known for being haunted by vengeful ghosts, and consists of organized into small, neat rows of cells or pits. It is rumoured that hidden inside the dungeon is a terrible beast to which prisoners are fed.   Cells The cells inside the dungeon are aging, but sturdy; the walls have some cracks, and prisoners are kept in individual cells, but they can see and hear other prisoners. Prisoners of Aubermont Hold are treated like dogs; they receive poor quality meals and enough healing to keep them alive. The jailer, Chloeia Hume, is an alchemist, who keeps the rowdy prisoners dosed with potions.   Prisoner Bolhild, a middle aged dwarf with child-sized hands who was stealing from orphanages.


The Razing of Aubermont  The siege was eventuated due to the murder of a noble at a feast, and lasted for a month, followed by a week's ceasefire, which then broke into more violence, during which a huge war machine was constructed to breach the walls. Eventually, the invaders had a mutiny in their ranks, breaking the siege.
Alternative Names
Stormwood Keep
Parent Location
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