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Aubermont is a town located on the tropical seacoast, where the vegetation is lush. Aubermont grew around a coastal harbor, and is comprised mostly of humans. Aubermont is placed precariously placed on the western edge of the Wild jungles of the Vaanalwood, teeming with exotic flora and fauna, mysterious ruins, and savage elves. The city is placed upon an ancient and productive mining system; producing precious gems, valuable metals, and ores.    They are a patriarchal feudalist autocratic constitutional monarchy that worships many deities, the most common being Ilmater, whose worshipers make up slightly over a third of the population.   Aubermont, although majority human, has one of the highest populations of Dwarves due to the mining industry.


Aubermont is comprised mostly of humans.

Race Population Percentage
Dragonborn 32 0.93
Dwarf 329 9.26
Elf 65 1.85
Gnome 98 2.78
Goblin 0 0.00
Half-elf 494 13.89
Half-orc 32 0.93
Halfling 98 2.78
Human 2307 64.81
Lizardfolk 0 0.00
Tiefling 98 2.78


The people of Aubermont work their lords lands in exchange for protection and shelter from the wilds.  The Baron of Aubermont, Jacquard Stormwood, is the ruler of this region of Islingmore, including governance of the Mayors of the smaller settlements around Aubermont. Below him are the Sherif, Captain of the Guard, Master of Coin, High Judge, and the Court Clerk.


The village is surrounded by palisades. 6 trained warriors serve in the village's defense, and a militia of 90 can be mustered in case of attack.

Industry & Trade

There are extensive mines below the town that produce metals and rare gemstones. Many of these resources are controlled by business interests located in the region's capital city of Ashfall. There are several smiths that work the metals in the nearby port town of Edgehorn.


There is an ancient and productive mine system beneath the city, as well as several warehouses and a well equipped port.


Oldtown - The largest and finest homes are within this walled district
Clearhook - This is the common district of the town, the homes are smaller and closer together
Underslums - The upper levels of the mines serve as the slums of this city, home to most of the dwarven populace and the least fortunate of the other races.

Guilds and Factions

Dark Depth mining consortium
Herbalist Guild
Woodcutters Guild
Edgehorn Trading Company


In the modern age the city was founded atop of a ruined mine from an age past. The keep was built upon a foundation located next to the entry to the mineshafts and has been built and fortified against the savage elven population of the Vannalwood. The town has found prosperity although much of the financial gain of the mines leaves the city to business interests in the capital of Ashfall, although the town's infrastructure and defences have exceeded any other town of its size due to the financial assets that are represented beneath it. Since the Gray Death decimated the dwarven populace of the Restless Mountains many of the refugees have found the work in the Dark Depth mines suited to their constitution and talents and have settled in the under slums.

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