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Ald Tower

Ald Tower is the seat of power for the Vangian Family, the Kings of Aldvire City, and the Kingdom of Aldvire.

Purpose / Function

Seat of power for the Vangian Family, as well as the seats of power for many governments such as the Kings of Aldvire City, and the rulers of the Kingdom of Aldvire.


Large square base tower with four circular towers at the corners, that reach for the sky above the base structure.

Important Rooms
  • Vangian Hall - the throne room of Ald Tower, seat of power for the Kings of Aldvire City and the Kingdom of Aldvire. Has the Rivermeet Chair as the throne.
  • Blue Room - The bedroom of the current ruler of the Vangian Family.
  • Ald's Study - Ruler's private study and office.


Walls that lead right up to the waters of the Goeth River and the Deef Cleft and around to the front of the castle.



Built by Ald the Great in 858 as the seat of power for the Kings of Aldvire City.


Aldvire Kingdom

When the Kingdom of Aldvire was created in 1090 by King Arthur I the tower became the seat of power for the entirity of the kingdom.  

Aldvire Empire


Aldvire Republic

Founding Date
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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