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Aldvire City

Aldvire City, also simply known as Adlvire, is the second permanent city built by humans, founded by Ald the Great in 854. It's located in the region of Ventosh where the Goeth River meets the Deep Cleft. The city has many bridges which, over time, has given it the nick name of the City of Bridges.   Historically has been the capital of the Aldvire government. Once the capital of Kingdom of Aldvire, then was later the capital of the Aldvire Empire, later still it became the capital of The Republic of Aldvire.


The city is primarily inhabited by humans, specifically of the Ventish ethnicity.


City Council the meets seperatley fromt he main republic council to discuss issues facing the city directly.

Industry & Trade

  • Wine
  • River Ships (fishing, cargo/barge, etc)
  • Blades & Weapons
  • Jewelry


  • Castles & Keeps & Governmental Buildings
    • Ald Tower - Seat or power for the Vangian Family. Built in 858 and located in the Rivermeet district.
    • Kaidwin Hold - Headquarters of the Aldvire Military. Also, the Kaidwin Cells, serve as the primary dungeon of the castle, city of Aldvire, and military, built in 869 and located in the Rivermeet district.
    • Gonvire Tower - Seat of power for the once Aldvire Empire, now seat of power for Aldvire Republic. Built in <. > and located in the Rivermeet district.
  • Libraries & Universities
  • Financial Instatutions
  • Temples & Churches
    • Breakdawn Cathedral - Headquarters of Ruidism and Ruidism temple. Built in 872 and located in the Rivermeet district of Aldvire City.
    • Sentinel Acropolis - A temple to and headquarters of Sentinelism. Located in Aldvire City.
    • Cathedral of Hendle - Ruidism church located in Aldvire City.
    • - Jarism church located in Aldvire City.
    • - Oslidism church located in Aldvire City.
  • Dragon Pen
    • Alduin Pit - Dragon pen located on the outskirts of northern Aldive.
  • Taverns & Inns
    • Blue Sun Inn - An inn located in the Rivermeet district of Aldvire City.
    • Crown Tavern - A tavern located in the Rivermeet district of Aldvire City.
    • Rivercastle Inn - An inn located in the Rivermeet district of Aldvire City.
    • World's End Tavern - A tavern located in the Brixton district of Aldvire City.
    • Dog's Bollocks Tavern - A tavern in the Ender South district of Aldvire City.
    • Blueday Inn - An inn located in the Ender South district of Aldvire City.
    • Oslid House - An inn located in the Ender South district of Aldvire City.
    • Way Stuffed Inn - An inn located in the Vatal district of Aldvire City.
  • Bridges
    • Aldvire Bridge - A bridge that crosses the Deef Cleft in central Aldvire City.
    • Casterline Bridge - A bridge that crosses the Goeth River in central Aldvire City.
    • Sabriel Bridge - A bridge that crosses the Deef Cleft in southern Aldvire City.
    • Amos Bridge - A bridge that crosses the Deef Cleft in northern Aldvire City.
    • Royal Bridge - A bridge that crosses the Goeth River in western Aldvire City.
  • Docks
    • Goeth Docks - River docks in the Ender South district of Aldvire City.
    • South River Docks - River docks south of < > Bridge along northern bank of the Deef Cleft.
  • Shipyards
    • Kress Shipyards - Founded by Hrod Kress in 856, it is the largest family and privately owned riverboat shipyard in Ventosh. Located north of the Aldvire Bridge on the eastern banks of the Deef Cleft in the Brixton district of Aldvire City.
    • South Aldvire Shipyards - Located north of the <. > Bridge on the western banks of the Deef Cleft in the Ender South district of Aldvire City.


  • Inner Districts - All districts are located within the Inner Walls of the city.
    • Rivermeet - City's capitol district, located inside the Inner Walls of the city on the north banks of where Goeth River and Deef Cleft meet.
    • Brixton - Named after Brixton's Field, an old farm in the area, Brixton is located inside the Inner Walls of the city east of the Deef Cleft river.
    • Ender South - Largely a housing district, located inside the Inner Walls of the city on the south banks of where Goeth River and Deep Cleft meet.
  • Outer Districts - All districts are located within the Secondary Walls of the city.
    • Raven Landing - Housing district located to the north and west of outside the Inner Walls of Aldvire City.
    • Hux - Housing district located to the north and west of outside the Inner Walls of Aldvire City.
    • Amos Square - Housing district located to the north and west of outside the Inner Walls of Aldvire City.
    • North Gate - Housing district located to the north and east of outside the Inner Walls of Aldvire City.
    • Finn's Hill - University district located to the north and east of outside the Inner Walls of Aldvire City.
    • Titan Crush - A financial district located to the east of outside the Inner Walls of Aldvire City.
    • South Bridge - District south of the <. > bridge located to the south of outside the Inner Walls of Aldvire City. Aldvire City.
    • Vatal - Housing district located to the south and west of outside the Inner Walls of Aldvire City.
    • Rindevish - Housing district located to the west of outside the Inner Walls of Aldvire City.
    • Simon Run - Mainly houseing district located to the west of outside the Inner Walls of Aldvire City.


  • Early History

    Aldvire was founded in Ventosh, where the Goeth River meets the Deep Cleft. The spot was choosen by Ald the Great who, it is said, laid the first stones for what would be the cities first, now inner, wall. The first keep, Ald Tower, was built on the north shores of the very mouths of the river converge, as well as Breakdawn Cathedral to honor Ruidishien, and a large bridge was built over the Deep Cleft, named < Aldvire Bridge >. As the town grew more and more streets were paved for permanent stone buildings. Another bridge was built, the < Casterline Bridge >, across the to the southern shore of the Goeth. By the time the population hit roughly 80,000 the city filled to what was then the outer wall, with smatterings of buildings across the rivers. This became the first city district known as < Rivermeet >.   Like most of the first cities, it started as a city-state. Over time smaller villages and towns sprang up around the city, and as the population of Aldvire grew, along with it's need for food and supplies, the city-state became the capitol of the growing kingdom of Kingdom of Aldvire as the villages were incorporated into the expanding government influence.

  • Kingdom of Aldvire

  • Aldvire Empire

  • Republic of Aldvire

Aenia Map


  • Aldvire City Map
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Aldvire, City of Bridges
500,000 at peak
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under

Articles under Aldvire City


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