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Kingdom of Aldvire

Kingdom of Aldvire, or simply Aldvire, is a human kingdom in the Ventosh region of the continent. One of the seven early kingdoms of humans, Kingdom of Aldvire was centered around and grew outwards from Aldvire City.


Powerful & Titled Family Structure


Early History

The Kingdom of Aldvire started out as the city-state of Aldvire located in the eastern half of Ventosh along the Deep Cleft River. As the population, needs, and influence from the city grew more and more of the out-villages around the region found themselves working to provide for the city, and in return the city built infrustructure across the region such as roads, bridges, and river docks. In time more cities arose from trading posts and growing villages. These new cities accepted the growing sphere of influence from Aldvire and accepted the Aldvire King's rule and by 1090 the Kingdom of Aldvire was founded by King Arthur I.

Sacking of Henslate

In 1155 King Hansen of Fassen had King Arthur II killed by an assassing. The king's daughter, now Queen Olsha Vangian gathered her armies and attacked Fassen and marched up to the city and began a shortlived campaign known as the Sacking of Henslate. Olsha's troops took the city and the castle, and killed the royal family. Olsha killed King Hansen herself by beheading.   The result of the conflict was the dissoution of the Kingdom of Fassen, and the incorporation of the now Dukedom of Fassen into the Kingdom of Aldvire.


Major Cities and Towns
  • Aldvire City - Capital city. Located in the center of eastern Ventosh, where the Goeth River flows in the Deep Cleft.
  • Drydew - Known as the Gate to Aldvire, Drydew is a city nestled between the Frost Claw mountains and the coast to the Churning Bay.
  • Vince - Located along the northern bend of the Long Bow River.
  • Kilten Marsh - Located in the southeast of Ventosh
  • Henslate - Located at the base of the peninsula on the eastern edge of the region of Ventosh, Henslate stands as the last port before the Churning Bay meets the Eternal Ocean.
  • Raddis - Town built in the far east of Ventosh, along the shores of the Frigid Sea.


Aldvire's fighting force is the Aldvire Military.

Wars, Conflicts, & Military Actions
Conflict Year(s) Enemy(s) Ally(s) Outcome
Foundation Wars 1094 - 1105 Ventosh territories None Victory
Sacking of Henslate 1155 Bilmire Family None Victory
Southern Uprising Casbell Family None Victory
Kilten Rebellion Kilten Family Rendolin Family Victory
Empiric Foundation War 1356 - <> Continent territories None Victory


  • Temples
  • Churches & Major Meeting Houses
    • Cathedral of Hendle - Ruidism church located in the Brixton district of Aldvire City.
    • Henslate Cathedral - A Ruidism cathedral located in the Rain Village district of Henslate.
    • - Sentinelism meeting house


  • Universities & Schools
    • Penderline University - A university built in 903 by Torald the Learned, it is located in the Rivermeet district of Aldvire City. Also known as Cathedral University.
    • Ashford University - a university in the Rain Village district of Henslate.
    • Grayle Keep - A school in Raddis.
  • Academies & Magic Schools
    • Banther Academy - A magic school out of Banther Tower eastablished in 1009 by Amanda Griftstar, it is located the Rivermeet district of Aldvire City.
    • Toulout Academy - A magic school located in the Rain Village district of Henslate.
  • Libraries
    • Loch's Hold - A library built by Loch the Quiet in the Titan Crush district of Aldvire City.
    • Tylda's Holdfast - a library in the Rain Village district of Henslate.
    • Angvon Library - a library in Raddis.


  • Castles & Keeps
    • Ald Tower - Seat or power for the Vangian Family. Built in 858 and located in the Rivermeet district.
    • Kaidwin Hold - Headquarters of the Aldvire Military. Also, the Kaidwin Cells, serve as the primary dungeon of the castle, city of Aldvire, and military, built in 869 and located in the Rivermeet district.
    • Bilmile Castle - a castle and seat of city governance for Henslate. Locted in the Rain Village district.
    • Barlmouth Hold - a castle and seat of city governance for Raddis.
  • Dragon Pens
    • Alduin Pit - Dragon pen located on the outskirts of northern Aldive.
  • Bridges
    • Aldvire Bridge - A bridge that crosses the Deef Cleft in central Aldvire City.
    • Casterline Bridge - A bridge that crosses the Goeth River in central Aldvire City.
    • Sabriel Bridge - A bridge that crosses the Deef Cleft in southern Aldvire City.
    • Amos Bridge - A bridge that crosses the Deef Cleft in northern Aldvire City.
    • Royal Bridge - A bridge that crosses the Goeth River in western Aldvire City.
  • Docks
    • Goeth Docks - River docks in the Ender South district of Aldvire City.
    • South River Docks - River docks south of < > Bridge along northern bank of the Deef Cleft.
    • Henslate Docks - Docks leading out to the Churning Bay
  • Shipyards
    • Kress Shipyards - Founded by Hrod Kress in 856, it is the largest family and privately owned riverboat shipyard in Ventosh. Located north of the Aldvire Bridge on the eastern banks of the Deef Cleft in the Brixton district of Aldvire City.
    • South Aldvire Shipyards - Located north of the <. > Bridge on the western banks of the Deef Cleft in the Ender South district of Aldvire City.
    • Dang Shipyards - Shipyards in the Westwall district of Henslate.

Ascend Through Action

1090 - 1356

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Successor Organization
Formation Type
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Provisional government
  • Aldvirien Crowns
Major Exports
  • Wine
  • Beer
  • River Ships
  • Ocean Ships
  • Fish (Ocean & River)
  • Jewelry
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

Dukedom of Fassen

Annexation of the Kingdom of Fassen by the Kingdom of Aldvire, and the power restructure of the new Duchy of Fassen ruled by the Rendolin Family.

Articles under Kingdom of Aldvire


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