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Iron Maji

The Iron Maji keep the Alace (Grand) Library and Remien Laboratory of Sanctum and further the studies of the general knowledge of the world through experiments and expeditions, they keep the Learn Forever portion of the order's creed.



Must have been an Acolyte member of the Order of Maji.

Career Progression

High Versed Jobs
  • Administrator -- A Topaz member who administrates the dealings and ongoing projects of the sect.
Intermediate Jobs
  • Instructor -- Members who teach classes to Acolytes and Neophytes and run the educational aspects of the sect. They can be tasked with teaching at Sanctum's Tolean Academy House or Neophyte Academy, or at any of the number of academies located in cities across Aenia.
  • Librarian -- Iron Maji members who keep and maintain the grand Alace Library in Sanctum.
  • Scribe -- Iron Maji members who are tasked with documenting important speeches and events, as well as transcribing old scrolls and manuscripts to preserve decaying knowledge.
  • Study -- Iron Maji member who takes on the task studying. The may study an array of different topics, or devote their efforts to studying one topic to its fullest extent.
  • Experimentist -- Iron Maji who concieve of and run experiments to further both magical and practical knowledge.
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