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Sanctum is the name given to the complex that houses the Order of Maji

Purpose / Function

Headquarters and main educational complex of the Order of Maji.


In 907 the entire structure was rebuilt as a stone structure after an incident with an acolyte.


  • Main Building
    • Conclave Meeting Chamber - Meeting chamber for the High Conclave.
    • Great Hall - Main meeting area for Sect meetings, High Versed meetings, and diplomatic meetings.
    • Grand Study - Hall full of desks and tables for scribes to perform their work.
    • Conclave Offices - Fifteen different rooms that serve as the offices for the High Conclave.
    • Grand Entrance Hall
  • Outbuildings
    • Alace Grand Library - Also known as the Grand Library of Sanctum, or simply Grand Library, it is the library of the complex and largest book, scroll, and pholio repository in the human world.
    • Remien Laboratory - The largest laboratory in the world, this massive outbuilding of the complex is where experiments are conducted and magical ideas are tested.
    • Administrative Building
    • Sect Offices
      • Ivory Tower - Office building of the Topaz Maji sect.
      • Iron Keeping - Office building of the Iron Maji sect.
      • Lane Hold - Office building of the Obsidian Maji sect.
    • Tolean Academy House - Main Acolyte school building of the complex.
    • Neophyte Academy - Main school for the younger Neophyte level maji.
    • Dining Hall
      • Serving Hall
      • Kitchen
    • Sect Intermediate Dorms
    • Acolyte Dorms
    • Kennels
    • Stables


Early History

Built initally as a large wooden structure on the north Ventosh coast of thh Figid Sea, the Sanctum started out as little more than a large study and meeting room with a communal sleeping chamber on one side and a small library on the other   As the organization grew so did the structure. Along with a full expansion of the main hall a meeting room for the leaders was built off the library, then offices and private studies for each of the original fifteen. Outbuildings were constructed as dormatories for acolytes and a detached laboratory for more volitile studies. And a training ground was built for the new Obsidian Acolytes to practice their martial magics.

Stone Reconstruction

In 907, after a poorly controled lightning bolt destoyed most of the main hall's roof, it was decided that the whole of the structure would be demolished and rebuilt as a stone holdfast.

Caplith Fire

In 1108 a fire broke out in the Alace Grand Library that burned for nine hours before they were able to put it out, the blaze destroyed more than a third of the librarys contents including the full list of High Conclave members. After clean up was done the library was refilled from the stocks of some of the large libraries in the kingdoms.

Aenia Map
Founding Date
Alternative Names
Frost Fortress
Tower, Mage
Related Professions


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