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Order of Maji

The order of maji are an ancient organization of magic users and scholars that dates back to long before the first cities and kingdoms. They operate out of Sanctum on the coast of the Frigid Sea which houses the largest library on Aenia, as well as the largest and most intense magical education system. On orders that come down from the High Conclave, the three groups of Maji, the Topaz, Iron, and Obsidian operate the the political, scholarly and experimental, and military wings (respectivley) of the organization.


High Conclave and Sects

The order is run by the High Conclave, a group of fifteen maji broken into three sects (Topaz, Iron, and Obsidian) of five each. They discuss and vote on issues regarding the organization as a whole and how it should conduct it's affairs. They gain their position by vote from High Versed members of their sect who perform the duties on top of their other sect duties.   The sects themselves work as sub-orders within the wider organization. They are:

  • Topaz Maji -- Organize and administrate the political arm of the order, keeping ties and diplomatic relations with the various governments, families, schools, and other organizations it interacts with.
  • Iron Maji -- Keep the Alace (Grand) Library and the Remien Laboratory and further the studies of the general knowledge of the world through experiments and expeditions, they keep the Learn Forever portion of the order's creed.
  • Obsidian Maji control and organize the military arm of the organization. They run the deployments of the Order's diplomatic mercenary intermediates, used by many Great Families, the Grey Wind Company, and other organizations. Helping keep control of the chaos.
Sect Hierarchy
  • High Members -- They are three high members, the High Topaz, High Iron, and High Obsidian; one for each sect. They members of the High Conclave and highest ranking member, and carriers of the Stalves of Office, of their sect. They gain their position by vote from High Versed members of their sect.
  • High Versed -- The highest level caste, who administrate and run the sect on orders from the sect's high member. Some of the High Versed, along with thier sect duties, make up the membership of the High Conclave.
  • Intermediates -- Are in a working class level that has roles like instructor, scribe, librarian, expermintist (one who run experiments), study (one who studies various diciplines), mercenary, diplomatic emmisary (etc).
  • Neophytes -- Lowest caste of the sect, they are newer members who are still in learning and/or training. Older Neophytes take on roles as apprentices in their various disciplines.

The lowest order of the order are the Acolytes, made up of new pupils and members that haven't yet been accepted into a sect.


  • The Sanctum
  • Mirror of Collier -- An enchanted mirror imbued with the life force of a living woman named Collier, she now resides in the mirror and can both interact with the outside world to a limited degree, and tell when people are lying; she assists the Order in judicial matters.


Early History

Started by 15 humans, who all presented and struggled with magical abilities in various forms, gathered and traveled away from their nomadic tribe (long before the cultural split in humanity) far north in Ventosh, far and away from the normal migration areas of other humans. They built the Sanctum, at first a wooden structure consisting of a large study room, a sleeping chamber, and a small library, and began as a scolarly organization, with some studying each of the magics and thier various applications, including martial applications. People learned about the Leaving of the Fifteen, where they went and why, and as word spread more and more people with inate magical abilities began making the journey north along the coast of the Frigid Sea. The maji created the conclave a leader group for the organization, consisting of the original fifteen, and divided it into three factions to help organize the group of new acolytes to the order. The Topaz, who administrated the organization and dealt with the logistics of their rising numbers. The Iron, who kept the library and began teaching classes to new comers. And the Obsidian, who organized and ran the martial education of magic.   The organization grew into an order that would send representatives to all the humasn tribes, where they became close confidants with tribal leaders and helped protect the tribes in during monster attacks and battles (a role that lead to many organizations and armies employing a maji branch).

First Cities & Kingdoms

Maji started to be employed for large sums of money by the Great Families of the first permanant cities built by humans. They became advisors and/or generals in armies. Others were employed by academies in the First Cities that wanted to focus on studying magic locally, they became head masters and high level educators. And as the city-states became kingdoms, the advisory roles of maji became official offices in most human kingdoms.

Shadow in Sanctum's Night

The Shadow in Sanctum's Night refers to the robbery by Lin the Sanctum Thief when she infiltrated the inner offices of Sanctum during the night, by passing the sell sword guards, and proceeded to steal from the of and unguarded vault, which was little more than a locked steeldoor closet. Lin made quick work of the lock and got her hands on all of Jikx the Murderer's enchanted weapons.   She made it out nearly unskathed, only coming into trouble once when she rounded a corner on a serving acolyte, in a fluid reaction she pulled the dagger at her waist and stuck him in the gut. As she pulled the knife out the rot began to show on the wound, a growing green and black puss mound the radiated at the edges with black tendrils as it infected the web-like capilaries. She stabbed him again in the neck before he could scream, feeling slightly sorry for having done that to the boy.   In the end she stole:

  • Spiritviper -- A spear with the ability to take the use of any limb or organ it touches, by destroying the life force of the body part and severing it from the brain.
  • Deadman's Axe -- Axe with the ability to spred Deadman's Blood, an infection that grows inside of dead people that begins to poison the target.
  • Plague Spear -- A spear with the ability to spread Scale Rot
  • Bolt -- Bow that charges arrows with lightning that charge as they fly through the air, the longer they fly the more the charge, to the point that long volley shots can cause a lightning blast the explodes and does damage in a general area.
  • Decay -- A dagger that has the ability to spred Deadman's Blood, which begins to poison the target, only a small knick is needed and the person is dead within a few days
Afterward the Order began restructuring and overhauling their seurity measures (sell swords at the time). They installed the < VAULT >, and the Obsidian Maji established the < SANCTUM GUARD >. The remaining two weapons, stalves given the names of Avingoer Staff and Painstock, were repurposed as the Stalves of Station for the High Topaz and High Obsidian. Soon after the High Iron arrived to a High Conclave meeting with Staff the Great.

Caplith Fire

In 1108 a fire broke out in the Alace Grand Library that burned for nine hours before they were able to put it out, the blaze destroyed more than a third of the librarys contents including the full list of High Conclave members. After clean up was done the library was refilled from the stocks of some of the large libraries in the kingdoms.


Notable Members

15 Founders
Other Notable Members
  • Scolara -- time - time -- sect Sect -- 2nd daughter of Vizier < > of Cloy.
  • Scolara -- time - time -- sect Sect -- 2nd daughter of Grand Vizier < > of Istbania.
  • Scolara -- time - time -- sect Sect -- 2nd daughter of Grand Vizier < > of Istbania.
  • Scolara -- time - time -- sect Sect -- 2nd daughter of Grand Vizier < > of Istbania.
  • Yakim -- time - time -- sect Sect -- 2nd daughter of Grand Vizier < > of Cinder.
  • Yakim -- time - time -- sect Sect -- 2nd daughter of Grand Vizier < > of Cinder.
  • Yakim -- time - time -- sect Sect -- 2nd daughter of Grand Vizier < > of Cinder.
  • Kossoway -- time - time -- sect Sect -- 2nd daughter of King < > of Appindor.
  • Kossoway -- time - time -- sect Sect -- 2nd daughter of King < > of Appindor.
  • Kossoway -- time - time -- sect Sect -- 2nd daughter of King < > of Appindor.
  • Griftstar -- time - time -- sect Sect
  • Kress -- time - time -- sect Sect
  • Kaldoran -- time - time -- sect Sect
  • Rendolin -- time - time -- sect Sect
  • Rendolin -- time - time -- sect Sect
  • Allengier the Foolhearty -- 492 - 538 -- Iron Sect -- First discovered Imbument in 538 after an experiment gone wrong. The result of the experiment was Allengier's death, and the crafting of Allengier's Blade and enchanted dagger.
  • Jikx the Murderer -- ??? - 896 -- Iron Sect -- Intermediate member of the Order from the late 800's, who was executed by the Order for heinous crimes in 896. He gained his name when mentally controlled several members of the Order and forced them to imbue a series of weapons and objects, often the subject of imbument would be another person. Through them being imbuers, imbument subjects, or test subjects, Jikx killed 22 people.
  • Bedict Vangian -- 949 - 970 -- Topaz Sect -- 3rd son of Queen Rebecca I Vangian of Aldvire.
  • Allister the Heavy -- ??? - 1022 -- Obsidian Sect -- High Conclave of the Order of Maji and member of the Chykov Family. Late in life, upon learning he had contracted a terminal illness he decided to imbue a warhammer and create Giant's Fist, a process which killed him. He left a letter ordering the weapon delivered to Irehon I Chykov in Froya.
  • Xand Riversalt -- ??? - 1213 -- Topaz Sect -- After learning of her contraction of Deadman's Blood during an experiment, Xand created Frost through Imbument in 1213.
  • Smoke -- time - time -- sect Sect
  • Smoke -- time - time -- sect Sect
  • Kell -- time - time -- sect Sect
  • Kell -- time - time -- sect Sect
  • Chykov -- time - time -- sect Sect -- 2nd daughter of Great Jarl < > of Elin.
  • Chykov -- time - time -- sect Sect -- 2nd daughter of Great Jarl < > of Elin.
  • Chykov -- time - time -- sect Sect -- 2nd daughter of Great Jarl < > of Elin.
  • Artur Medvidev -- time - time -- sect Sect -- 4th son of Great Jarl < > of Norveil.
  • Medvidev -- time - time -- sect Sect -- 4th son of Great Jarl < > of Norveil.
  • Medvidev -- time - time -- sect Sect -- 4th son of Great Jarl < > of Norveil.
  • Medvidev -- time - time -- sect Sect -- 4th son of Great Jarl < > of Norveil.
  • Tarria Vangian -- time - time -- sect Sect -- 2nd daughter of King Charles II of Aldvire
  • Vangian -- time - time -- sect Sect -- 2nd daughter of Queen < Leanna I > of Aldvire
  • Vangian -- time - time -- sect Sect -- 2nd daughter of King < Arthur III > of Aldvire


  • Topaz
  • - faction that organizes and administrates the political arm (placing maji in organizations, keeping an eye on how magic is being used where).
  • Iron
  • - faction that studies and keeps the knowledge of magic.
  • Obsidian
  • - military faction of the organization.

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Articles under Order of Maji


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