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Kossoway Family

The Kossoways rulers of < CASTLE > and King/Queen of Appindor.


Coridin City-State Kings & Queens

King/Queen Years Ruled Length of rule

Dukes and Duchesses of Appindor

King/Queen Years Ruled Length of rule

Kings & Queens of Appindor

King/Queen Years Ruled Length of rule
Adeline III Kossoway years

Notable Members

  • -- ??? - ??? -- description.
Lightning Bringers
  • -- ??? - ??? -- description.
Grey Wind Company
Other Members

Lightning Bringer

Eversince the Kossoways aquired Bolt in 1001 the Kossoway Family have always had a member of the family who is a knight given the name Lightning Bringer, who carries the Bolt. During peacetime stand guard over the King/Queen of Appindor across the court from the < seat >. During wartime they lead the Kossoway Archers, usually from horseback.


  • Castle -- Castle in cordin where the Kossoways reside, is also the seat of power for the Kingdom of Appindor.
  • -- Weapong of Station
  • Bolt -- Family heirloom, an enchanted longbow that charges it's arrows with lightning that discharges on impact. It is wielded by Lightning Bringer.


Historically were the Kings and Queens of the city-state of < Cordin >, then the Ducks and Duchesses of Cordin of the Kingdom of Appindor, but after the destruction of Osolette in <????> they took control of the kingdom in upheaval and became the ruling family in the region.

First Lightning Binger

Kossoways aquired Bolt when < King ???> purchased it from a merchant in 1001 for his daughter < Kossoway > in ???. She was good with a bow, trained to shoot while running and on horseback, she became a guard to her father and was named the first Lightning Bringer.

Foreign Relations

King & Queens

The Kossoways became the Kings & Queens of the restored Kingdom of Appindor after the fall of the < Aldvire Empire > and the fall of the recrowned Royn Family during the < Destruction of Osolette > in ????.

Families Sworn to Alligence
  • Tunelute Family of Hist
    • Malnish Family
    • Waverly Family
    • Lamb Family
  • Dreyer Family Family of Wasden
    • Mant Family
    • Hindstar Family
    • Wistler Family

Grow the Root

Official State Religion
Official Languages
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Kossoway Family


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