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Sacking of Henslate

Olsha Vangian attacks Henslate in 1158 and defeats the city's remaining military easily. She seizes the castle and kills all members of the royal family who hadn't already killed themselves when they arrived. Olsha gave no quarter, she erased the family off of the continent.

The Conflict


Olsha Vangian becomes Queen, after the death or King Arthur II who was stabbed in his chamber by an assassin, and immedietley declares war on Fassen blaming them for the death.   She marches across Aldvire gathering more troops as she goes and fights thier way across the < > river.


The battlefield was the western farmlands outside of the city of Henslate, as well as the city itself and Bilmile Castle.

The Engagement

The battle was faught in the fields north of the city, Hansen Bilmile sent out troops to fight for the city and they ost in a decisive battle, and the Aldvire Army bashed through the North Gate of the city soon after. They charged through the streets toward to castle, fighting Fassen soldiers in open squares and roads.   In no time at all Olsha Vangian was standing in the courtyard of Bilmile Castle. They broke through the door and systematically tore through thr castle killing anyone they found, but focusing on the royals. They found King Hansen on his throne, it's said he apologized before Olsha cut off his head.


After beheading King Hansen, Olsha picked up his crown and tossed it to a serving boy. She said, "It's yours if you bend the knee to Aldvire". The boy, Alec, immedietly knelt down.


The Alec new Duke of Fassen took hold of Bilmile Castle and established the Rendolin Family and became a close ally with Kingdom of Aldvire and the Vangian Family.

Historical Significance


The area in which the battle outside the gate took place is now known as the Battlefield district of Henslate.

Conflict Type
Start Date
Ending Date







Take the city and destroy the royal family.
Defend the city and the Royal family.


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