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Kingdom of Fassen

One of the early kingdoms of humanity. Became a kingdom as the city state of Henslate grew and exerted influence on more and more territory birthing the Kingdom of Fassen. The kingdom was ruled from Henslate by the Bilmile Family.   in 1155 King Hansen, fearing the quick growth of the Kingdom of Aldvire, had the Aldvirien King Arthur II killed.


Sacking of Henslate

After Fassen assassins killed her father Arthur II, the previous king, Olsha Vangian attacked the city in the campaign known as Sacking of Henslate, and beat them cleanly in battle and killed the royal family down to a man after seizing the castle, giving the title of leadership to a surviving serving boy as long as he immediatley bent the knee and named his kingdom as a vassal of the Kingdom of Aldvire.


Dukedom of Fassen

Dukedom of Fassen, was a duchy in the Kingdom of Aldvire and Aldvire Empire.

  State of Fassen in the Republic of Aldvire.


Towns & Cities


  • Temples
    • Goldvale Holdfast - A ruidism temple in Raddis.
  • Churches
    • Henslate Cathedral - A Ruidism cathedral located in the Rain Village district of Henslate.


  • Universities & Schools
    • Ashford University - a university in the Rain Village district of Henslate.
    • Grayle Keep - a school in Raddis.
  • Academies & Magic Schools
    • Toulout Academy - A magic school located in the Rain Village district of Henslate.
  • Libraries
    • Tylda's Holdfast - a library in the Rain Village district of Henslate.
    • Angvon Library - a library in Raddis.


  • Castles & Keeps
    • Bilmile Castle - a castle and seat of city governance for Henslate. Locted in the Rain Village district.
    • Barlmouth Hold - a castle and seat of city governance for Raddis.
  • Docks & Bridges & Shipyards
    • Henslate Docks - Docks leading out to the Churning Bay
    • Dang Shipyards - Shipyards in the Westwall district of Henslate.

1119 - 1158

Geopolitical, Duchy
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Major Exports
  • Beer
  • Ocean Ships
Official State Religion
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

Dukedom of Fassen

Annexation of the Kingdom of Fassen by the Kingdom of Aldvire, and the power restructure of the new Duchy of Fassen ruled by the Rendolin Family.


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