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Henslate is a city within the <REPUBLIC OF ALDVIRE> located on the northern shores of Churning Bay in the eastern Ventosh region.


The city is primarily inhabited by humans, specifically of the Ventish ethnicity.


City Council

Industry & Trade

The city's shipbuilders are konwn as the best sea faring shipbuildersin the eastern human regions.

Major Exports
  • Beer
  • Ocean & River Ships (fishing, cargo, etc)
  • Blades & Weapons


  • Castles & Keeps
    • Bilmile Castle - a castle and seat of city governance for Henslate. Locted in the Rain Village district.
  • Libraries & Universities
    • Angvon Library - a library in the Rain Village district of Henslate.
    • Ashford University - a university in the Rain Village district of Henslate.
    • Toulout Academy - A magic school located in the Rain Village district of Henslate.
  • Temple & Churches
    • Henslate Cathedral - A Ruidism cathedral located in the Rain Village district of Henslate.
  • Docks & Bridges & Shipyards
    • Henslate Docks - Docks leading out to the Churning Bay
    • Dang Shipyards - Shipyards in the Westwall district of Henslate.


  • Rain Village
  • Westwall
  • North Gate
  • Battlefield
  • South Outs



Henslate, like most of the first cities, started as a city-state. Over time smaller villages and towns sprang up around the city, and as the population of Henslate grew, along with it's need for food and supplies, the city-state became the capitol of the growing kingdom of Fassen as the villages were incorporated into the expanding government influence.

Fassen Kingdom

During the time of the Early Kingdoms the city-state of Henslate expanded into a new kingdom called Fassen. Ruled over by the Bilmile Family, rivals of the Vangians to the west.

Sacking of Henslate

In 1155 King Hansen had King Arthur II of the Kingdom of Aldvire killed by an assassing. The king's daughter, now Queen Olsha Vangian gathered her armies and attacked Fassen and marched up to the city and began a shortlived campaign known as the Sacking of Henslate. Olsha's troops took the city and the castle, and killed the royal family. Olsha killed King Hansen herself by beheading.

Dukedom of Fassen

After the Fassen government was dismantled and Henslate was incorporated into the Kingdom of Aldvire the title of Duke was given to the Rendolin Family of <CASTLE>.

Aenia Map


  • Henslate Map
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym

Articles under Henslate


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