Carvel Niathtethar Character in Aerenal | World Anvil
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Carvel Niathtethar

King Carvel Niathtethar

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Carvel is the son of a prominent dragonborn family native to Wright. Generations of Niathtethars have been working in the government and Carvel, like his father and grandfather was elected onto the council as one of the dragonborn representatives. He proved to be competent and dedicated to the well being of the kingdom. The previous queen, a dwarven woman named Jalgritelin Bittercloak, chose Carvel to be her successor. Upon her death Carvel took up the crown and has been ruling for around a decade. He is deemed by most to be strict but fair and focused on details.
Lawful Good
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Silver scales
Aligned Organization

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