Aajaadee Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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At the northern tip of the Snakepass Chain lies an ancient city of Aarakocra called Aajaadee. They worship the Magna Prime Anamare exclusively and they have a large temple to him at the centre of their aerie, called Freedom House. The Aarakocra of Aajaadee have been around since the time of Haven but their city has shrunk greatly. Many Aarakocra, after they are pushed out of the nest, do not return to Aajaadee. The structure of the city has always been loose and free, holding to Anamare’s vision, however, that lack of structure also brings with it instability. No merchant shops exist on Aajaadee, and money and treasure are not coveted. The travelers from Aajaadee will often gather up any coin or gems before they leave so they can trade them with the outside world. Other than that, the trading of goods and items is most common. The Aarakocra love flying, gossiping, singing, telling stories, and praying to Anamare. They do not like to fight if they can avoid it and most often they will fly out of harm’s way. Their city is quite high, and they have no natural predators aside from the occasional Giant Eagles that might fly by, or an extremely random encounter with the Roc Titanclaw.   The city is ‘ruled’ by an old Aarakocra named Kirili Greybeak who spends much of his time at Freedom House talking about his past glories. He is considered an honourable and successful leader since the city has not been seriously attacked and he has never been in a fight that he hasn’t been able to escape from. The head priest of Freedom House is a young Aarakocra female named Illyeth Featherfall. She just recently inherited the role when the previous head priest flew off one day and has never returned. She has some ideas on how to improve the priesthood, but most see her ideas as too bold and lacking in wisdom.
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