Ancient Plains of Alucar Geographic Location in Aerith | World Anvil
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Ancient Plains of Alucar

The Ancient Plains of Alucar were once more expansive before the Fractioning and the incursion of the swamps. It held more Human villages and connections to Avandar and Starhelm. Now it is mostly roaming bands of Humans and Goliaths, some fringe Grippli settlements from the surrounding swamps, and a smattering of Goblins, Gnolls, and Thri-Kreen. The city of Narfindel provides a steady supply of Fallen adversaries to threaten most of the races while the TriSpine River system is hotly contested by many factions.   Much of the Ancient Plains are lawless and without organized structure as many different races dwell but do not hold claim to the area. There is not much cooperation between the races and the reclamation of Avandarian mainland that is currently underway exacerbates the situation.   Each tribe, clan, village, or settlement uses its own judgment for what is right and true. While the Humans are the majority, they do not all see eye to eye, particularly the barbarian tribes and the emigrating Avandarians looking to reclaim what was once theirs.   In the north the Fallen of Narfindel cause havoc to all races they come in contact with, excepting the Lizardfolk of Fenblight, whom they have grown to enjoy a relationship with. They have, at times, allied with the Goblins, but they have fought with them as often. Melchinoopo, the Ogre king of the Warrens has tried to set up a truce but the Fallen of Narfindel enjoy keeping him guessing as to their next actions. Their hotly contested rule of the Undersands is mostly one-sided as the Fallen prefer to go even deeper to rule their cities below. However, they like to pester and trouble the Goblin race by antagonizing their warrens, villages, and Undersands cities.   Since there is a large selection of differing races in the Ancient Plains it is no wonder that conflict occurs often, without provocation, and is often deadly. The political landscape changes quickly, depending on the victor of the conflict.
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species
Population: Majority – Human; Minority – Fallen, Grippli, Goblin; Lesser minority – Goliath, Gnoll, Thri-Kreen


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