Atrapon Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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Atrapon is a mysterious god who prefers to keep his friends interested and his enemies guessing. He is ambitious but favours those who earn their notoriety, not those who are gifted it frivolously.  


Achievement is the ultimate expression of effort. Study and practice make perfect. There is no right or wrong when it comes to achievement, only success. How you practice is how you perform, so practice like it matters (because it does).  

Major Centres of Worship:

In his aspect of the teacher, or mentor, the people of the League of Swords greatly appreciate the dogma of Atrapon. There is a major temple to Atrapon on League grounds, but many of the classrooms or training areas have small shrines dedicated to the god of practice.   There are a few Fallen who have embraced Atrapon but there are no major temples. There are even some who have dual-worshipped Atrapon and Flane and these are the greatest deceivers on Aerith. Luckily for the people of the world these are few and far between.  

Relations with other gods:

Janosis is Atrapon’s greatest enemy and the two are constantly battling each other. Their clergy spend entire lifetime’s trying to outdo each other and reign supreme in the conflict between knowledge and deception.   Flane, Leftis, and Atrapon sometimes join each other to come up with some great deceptions or far-fetched stories, and the three have contests to try and come up with the greatest lie, or scam. They enjoy these occasional contests, but the people caught in the middle are never happy with the outcome.  


Atrapon favours the form of the Shadow. He will typically appear as a Shadow Elemental, if he appears at all and he favours the sneak attack.  

Other Manifestations:

When someone successfully goes beyond their normal rank, they sometimes produce a second shadow as a sign of Atrapon’s blessing. A light suddenly being doused for no reason is a sign of Atrapon’s presence.
(pronounced Ah-Tra-Pawn)


Deception. Ambition, Trickery, Practice


A black square in a white square or a white square in a black square


Chaotic Neutral

Typical Worshippers: 

Doppelgangers, Thieves, Con Men, Teachers, Mentors, Politicians


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