Fenblight Swamp Geographic Location in Aerith | World Anvil
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Fenblight Swamp

Ranging from the top of the continent, near Denethen’s Helm all the way down to the Ancient Plains of Alucar, near the centre of the west coast, Fenblight Swamp has a variety of climates, cultures, and creatures. It is home to a few Grippli villages in the north, some large Lizardfolk tribes, and a few Bullywug clans further to the south, but its main population centre is the Grippli city of Mudburrow, located close to the Fallen city of Narfindel.   The northern Grippli, while still maintaining the basic elements of a Grippli lifestyle, have some fundamental differences from their southern cousins. The hard ground forces them to live deeper in their burrows instead of mostly in the trees. The majority of Grippli in the north are Toxic Grippli, as opposed to Treetoppers but there are still some that can be found there.   Like all Grippli they value family and their tribe above all else. Survival is paramount and anything that makes it more difficult is frowned upon. The northern tribes are a bit more practical and dress in clothes that will keep them warm, while the further south one gets the lighter the clothes the Grippli will wear, preferring to keep their mobility intact.   Though still ruled by a matriarch, the Grippli council in the northern villages is much smaller than in Mudburrow or the southern settlements. Mudburrow follows the standard Grippli societal norms but they have been forced to gather a more substantial fighting force to deal with the Lizardfolk and the Fallen of Narfindel.   The Lizardfolk of the Fenblight are very martial and have a number of larger tribes dedicated to eradicating the Grippli or secure more land. Until recently the tribes of the Lizardfolk of Fenblight were disparate and each led by their own Lizard King. A great Lizard King arose in a village near Linkwood and he has subjugated all the other villages under his rule. Slaying all the other Lizard Kings, he now rules over his people with a martial fist, ensuring they do not get too soft. He has given his blessing for each village to be led by a Lizardman Champion who has the unrivaled authority in that village. In time these Lizardfolk have learned the benefits of joining forces so they succeed against the Grippli more often than Lizardfolk in the other swamps. They have also taken to allying themselves with the Fallen of Narfindel to great success.
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Population: Majority – Grippli; Minority – Lizardfolk; Lesser minority – Bullywug, Fallen


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