Grippli Species in Aerith | World Anvil
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There are two main sub-races of the Grippli on Starhelm; The Treetopper, and the Toxic Grippli, though their names in Grippli are difficult to pronounce using the Common Tongue. Both are on friendly terms with each other and multiple tribes live within the same swamp region. They are a closely banded race and many familial relationships extend beyond the same swamp. Grippli are an inquisitive and resourceful race that like to experience life. They recognize their physical limitations but do not make excuses for them. They embrace diversity. The Grippli of Starhelm are the staunch defenders of their Swamp home and defend it to the death.   Grippli typically stand between two and three feet tall, with mottled grey or green skin, occasionally brown. They have bulbous eyes, frog-like bodies with prehensile feet, and humanoid hands. The Treetopper Grippli also have thinner arms and tend to be lighter than their Toxic cousins. Both like shiny and fancy things but do not tend to wear much, if any, clothes unless outside their swamp or visiting with dignitaries.   Grippli are very fond of shiny things and trade with other races to get baubles. They are a joyful race, not prone to melancholy and easily accept their fate. It is not that they are docile, but they do not waste time and energy on things that are not important to them. They value family and their tribe above all else and will fight to the death to protect them. However, a Grippli will not needlessly throw away his life just for pride or vengeance.   Some Grippli may travel outside their swamp but they truly only feel comfortable when they are at home. Since Grippli are hunted often in their own environment they tend to feel a little concerned about the ‘devil they don’t know’. The ones who do travel are engaging and entertaining comrades who will do whatever they can for their new ‘tribe’. These Grippli tend to want to escape their swamp due to some sense of greater importance in the outside.   Treetoppers are flighty, adventurous Grippli who take risks that their Toxic cousins do not. They jump freely from tree to tree, trusting in their ability to not fall to their deaths. This makes them more likely to leave the safety of the swamp. Toxic Grippli are more comfortable in their homes, trusting in their ability to protect themselves and their loved ones with their defenses, both bodily and with traps and gadgets that they create.   Grippli society is based on a matriarchal hierarchy. Each tribe is ruled by the eldest mother and all tribe decisions are made by her. She has a loose council of advisors to help her make the best decision for the good of the tribe but her word is law and she can overturn any decision. Regardless of tribe location or standing they all follow the law of the Matriarch and many Grippli find it hard to interact with the outside world of Humans who most often put men in positions of authority.   Family is very important to Grippli and the survival of their family means the survival of their race. They spread themselves far and wide and it is not uncommon for a travelling Grippli of the south to meet a family member in the tribe to the north. They assume that all Grippli are looking out for the needs of the tribe so they take many things at face value. They do not believe in treachery among their own kind and any member of a tribe that betrays the good of Grippli is immediately shunned or banished outright.   Currently the Grippli have enacted a treaty with the Humans of Avandar and helped them secure their lost Harbour-Fortress of Brightwave. The treaty has lasted for over half a century now and both sides are benefiting greatly. The Grippli have since come out of their swamp homes more often to trade and assist with the Avandarian treaty. They help keep the Goblins at bay and other swamp denizens like the Bullywugs and the more fearsome Lizard Folk.   The Lizardfolk and Bullywugs of the swamps threaten the Grippli most constantly and without provocation and the frog-men are forever on the lookout for raiding or war parties in their lands. Many tribes have banded together to defend themselves against their enemies but some have been wiped out by the ferocity of the Lizardfolk, in particular.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution


Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Can speak, read, and write Grippli and Common

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Worship: Erswetz 

Racial Features

Ability Score Increase: Increase your Wisdom score by 2 to a maximum of 20
  Speed: Base walking speed is 25 ft
  Darkvision: Living in dark swampy areas, the Grippli have adapted to see in the dark. You can see 60 ft. in dim light as if it were bright, and can see in darkness as if it were dim
  Superior Lung Capacity: Grippli can hold their breath for a number of hours equal to their Constitution score
  Grippli Feet: The nature of your feet give you superior swimming and jumping abilities, giving you a swimming equal to your base walking speed. Also you don’t need a running start to get your full jump distance
  Grippli Ingenuity: You gain proficiency with tinker's tools and ability checks to disarm traps
Grippli mature around 12 and live to be between 60-80 years of age
Average Height
Grippli are between 2-3 ft. tall
Average Weight
Grippli are an average of 30-40 lbs
Average Physique
Grippli size is small


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