Lyradell Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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The Shining Champion


Lyradell is the epitome of the Elf and represents their ultimate sacrifice to forgo their Avariel ancestry. He, at once, appears melancholy, hopeful, graceful, and noble, much like the people he led to the terrestrial world.  


Balance must be maintained, nothing good can be achieved without sacrifice. Honour and duty will provide a light to guide your way to prosperity and peace.  

Major Centres of Worship:

Brightbough has a large temple to Lyradell called Temple of the Golden Grace. It is headed up by the High Priest of Lyradell’s worship and it is the centre of their religious leadership.    Aspenshield has a large temple to Lyradell as well, called Honour’s Soul, but it does not hold as much sway over the northern Elves as the Crystal Queen does. They revere him but she is their true leader, in their minds.

Relations with other gods:

Since his time on Aerith, Lyradell has befriended few beings. Denethen was one of the first and is still his closest ally, particularly against the Fallen. His most hated enemy and the reason for his fall from the heavens is Flane and Lyradell is tireless in his efforts to see him punished for his transgressions and to protect the people of his new home.   Lyradell and Zayphos get along very well and he still considers the Avariel god his brother. Lyradell’s sacrifice to accompany the banished Avariel to Aerith makes him a favoured ally of the Avariel and most celestial creatures.  


Lyradell appears as a golden-haired Elf of exquisite features. His Avariel nature still shines through, but he has taken on less of a Celestial nature and more of an earthbound nature. He wields a golden two-handed sword, rare for an Elf, and wears golden armour. His armour is decorated with wings that are turned down to represent his loss. His sword is a remnant from his days as an Avariel and it is named Celestica. He can call it to his side at will and can never be disarmed.  

Other Manifestations:

A golden aura surrounding a person performing a selfless act shows Lyradell’s approval. He might appear as a golden elk (in Aspenshield) or a golden unicorn (in Brightbough).
(pronounced Leer – a- dell)


Elves. Honour, sacrifice, leadership, grace, loyalty, trust


Golden crown with Avariel wings facing downward


Lawful Good

Typical Worshippers: 



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