Zayphos Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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(pronounced zay-foess)

The Pinnacle of Pinnacles


Zayphos is the greatest of his kind, and the Pinnacle of the glorious celestial Avariel. He was once King but after his ascendance he gave that up to his friend Lyradell. He represents all that is good, and perfect, like the fabled Avariel he epitomizes.  


Always strive to be the best you can be, whether it is physical, spiritual, or emotional. Stay true to yourself and to your relationships with others. Never deny hope. It is the backbone of your achievement. Keep the evils of the world in check, particularly Dragons. It is the responsibility of the Avariel to ensure the Dragons do not destroy the world as they once threatened to do.  

Major Centres of Worship:

Theaserin (Avariel Capital). Minor centres of worship include a temple in Stonebridge, a temple in Brightbough, and a shrine in Aspenshield.  

Relations with other gods:

Lyradell is Zayphos’ greatest and longest-standing ally. The two were brothers in arms in their early days and it was Lyradell who replaced Zayphos as the King of the Avariel when Zayphos ascended as a Pinnacle. Ilbrendar and Drakova are historical enemies of Zayphos but he does not actively look to destroy them, just keep them in check. His followers, however, can sometimes be overzealous in their effort to rid the world of Dragons.  


Zayphos always appears as an Avariel with perfect traits. He always appears as the perfect version of himself and a celestial glow always surrounds him. He wields a silver spear named Argent that is constantly glowing in a celestial aura and inflicts grievous wounds to Dragons in particular.
Divine Classification
Avariel Lord


The Avariel. Sky, Hope, Brotherhood, Determination, Perfection


A crown encircled by a pair of Avariel wings


Lawful Neutral

Typical Worshippers: 

Avariel, Celestials


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