Brightbough Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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The Gleaming City
Large Elven city

The city of Brightbough is the largest collection of High Elves on Starhelm. They hold their convictions strong to bring together the good races of the south and defend against the Fallen. Their city is the perfect union of High Elf and Wood Elf cooperation and they display their appreciation for their race openly and with great pride. It is located slightly east of the centre of the Brightbough Forest and is protected by the Brightbough Bulwark – a wall of enchanted trees, vines, underbrush, and foliage that protects against the Fallen to the northeast. Many of the buildings in Brightbough are made with silver, gold, platinum, or even Airsteel and it gleams brightly in the sun.  


Brightbough enjoys some of the best weather on Starhelm. Its southerly location grants it warm weather most of the year, thought it can get hot and humid sometimes in the summer. The large canopy of trees does much to protect its inhabitants from the hottest rays of the sun and most Elves do not need to worry about harsh, inclement weather. The Wood Elves and High Elves both work with the weather and environment to produce strong and prosperous foods, rarely relying on trade to feed their people.  


Brightbough has maintained a monarchical structure, much as they did back when they were Avariel. The wisdom of the Elves has ensured that each successive king is strong and successful in their rule. Family houses make up the rest of High Elf nobility, and each house provides at least one advisor to the royal household. The nobility of Brightbough do not live outside of the city but they do have some family homes or cottages on the outskirts that they may visit from time to time. The nobility also visit villages, towns, or even cities of other races to maintain a presence in the south.   The current King of Brightbough is Immerial Shalamair, a kind but aged Elf, who is nearing the end of his rule. His wife Althea Shalamair, the Queen of Brightbough rules at his side, and she has taken over some duties over the last couple of years. Their children Ahvain, Lucain, and Perain are all preparing to take over for their father, but it is most likely Ahvain that will inherit the crown. The three children get along well with each other and will make a fine replacement for Immerial.   One thing that sets Immerial apart from other Elves is his possession of the Forest Green Zayphosian Gem. This piece of the shattered crown of Alucar aids Immerial in the defense of his city and the surrounding areas, against the Fallen that would see it destroyed. His wife knows of the gem, but none of his children know, nor do any in the city. It is a very closely guarded secret and Immerial will divulge it to his successor only.   The noble houses of Brightbough all assist with the running of the city and the forest in general. They provide at least one advisor to the royal household, with some providing more. There are currently five High Elf noble houses in Brightbough, and, in typical Brightbough fashion, they all work well with each other. It is not to say that they haven’t had disagreements, but they are able to work through their differences quickly, particularly when there is danger or a pressing matter to deal with. The noble houses are as follows: Assesius, Gallandell, Melleryiel, Selvarun, and Teinhathra.  


The High Elves of Brightbough are noble, patient, reserved, and thoughtful. Though they have suffered greatly, they look for ways to redeem themselves, not place blame. More than in Aspenshield, the High Elves of Brightbough are here to help usher the other races into peace and harmony, not instill their own values on others. They bide their time, listen intently, let others act and learn, but will not sit by idly if danger or evil threatens.   Brightbough is a place of tranquility, culture, and safety. The Elves do their best to ensure that all aspects of their city reflect their ways. They take their role as teachers and shepherds seriously and they are very conscious of the actions and motivations of the Fallen, particularly Exandar. They try to keep their presence as integrated into the natural order as possible. Brightbough is particularly interested in fostering alliances with the Humans, Gnomes, and Grippli of the south to protect as many good races as possible.   The Elves of Brightbough are master metalworkers, but not the cold hard steel like the Dwarves of the mountains. The Elves do not melt the metal before they work it, like the Dwarves or Humans. Instead, they prefer to coax the metal to take shape, imbue it with strength, and secure it with magic. They prefer to work with more precious and unique metals like Airsteel, platinum, or gold, but they do very well with silver, bronze, or even tin. They take their skill from the time they were Avariel, and Brightbough was known as the Gleaming City before it was placed on Starhelm. It since has combined its metalwork with the natural world around it, making a superb blend of naturally crafted and hand worked items. The masterful artwork of the Elves tend to be etched into most of their items, making their origins unmistakable.  

Crime and Law

As Brightbough is more open and friendly to traveler than their northern cousins in Aspenshield, the need to protect its citizens and visitors from crime is of high importance. The Wood Elves have befriended many Treants, and awakened many trees to serve as a protective barrier around the city, if danger approaches. Inside the city the High Elves and Wood Elves both form units of warriors and guards to patrol the areas most frequented. Most crime is brought to Brightbough from outside forces but there is the occasional Elf who forgets his place and tries to take advantage of citizens or visitors. Once discovered they are brought before the King and properly judged. Typically the punishment is social work, or at worst banishment, but Brightbough never resorts to killing, regardless of the magnitude of the crime.  

Post Fractioning

Brightbough itself was spared from the worst of the destruction caused by the Fractioning, due to their distance, the strength of the trees, and their magic. Their borders initially shrunk as the first line of trees took the brunt of the damage. Through much work and collaboration with the Wood Elves and the denizens of the forest, they were able to regrow or save most of the northern tree line, and even extend it out a bit further.   The biggest impact to the people of Brightbough was the loss of Goldensheaf, their nearest Human trading partner. The Elves still interact with the barbarians of the Southguard Plains, but it is sporadic at best.   The greatest asset to the Elves of Brightbough came after the Fractioning in the form of the green Zayphosian gem of Mirriam. It rests atop the staff of the King currently and none save the King and the Queen know of its existence. The next ruler of Brightbough will be gifted the staff and told of its power. While sad to know of Alucar’s passing, the Elves of Brightbough take the guarding and protection of the Mirriam gem very seriously. The staff has numerous contingency spells on it, designed to keep it safe from harm, including transporting itself, shielding itself, or as a last resort burying itself into the ground, away from danger.  


The city of Brightbough has done an excellent job of combining the magic of the High Elf with the skills of the Wood Elf and utilize a number of defensive tactics to keep their city safe. Brightbough is more concerned with the defense of their city and citizens than about offense. They are very active in recruiting others to ally with, looking for a united front against the Fallen of Exandar in particular. Their use of the Brightbough Bulwark, a giant shield of magically enhanced trees to the northeast of the city, has given them a good deal of comfort from the attacks of Exandar. However, they are very vigilant against any nefarious plots to undermine their government, prey upon their guests, and do harm to their citizens. Wood Elf patrols roam Brightbough Forest for any signs of mischief, and High Elf soldiers practice daily for any call to arms.   The city itself is surrounded by a ring of awakened trees, Treants, and other traps and pitfalls devised by the Wood Elves. The mages of Brightbough are also trained in the use of the bow and sword and many take up the call up the Arcane Archer. Brightbough has one of the best archer units on Starhelm, particularly enhanced with enchantments from the High Elf mages. Loquarion Hadarai is the Master of Arms for the city of Brightbough, and he comes from a long line of respected and skillful military Elves. His daughter is the Master Fencer at Brothers in Arms, and can be called on to fight whenever necessary. Loquarion prides himself on keeping order, following strict protocols, and always being prepared. He is a master tactician and has the utmost patience for plans, less so for people. His units do not include many Wood Elves as they tend to be less rigid and chaotic. He utilizes them and their skills well and does not begrudge them their ways, however he does not like them intermingling with his High Elf units.   Brightbough has at its disposal a cavalry unit of Rainbow Elk riders that can often be seen patrolling the forests, and the outskirts of the Southguard Plains. The royal family also has a stable of Rainbow Elk that each member rides when meeting the troops, inspiring the citizenry, or when greeting strangers or dignitaries to their city.       Geography Although Brightbough is not deep into the forest, it is set enough back to give it protection from the rest of Starhelm. It has one main path that goes east west through the city, broken up only by the large, shiny palace that is the home to the royal family. The canopy of trees keeps the hottest rays of the sun from burning, but provides enough sunlight to light the city with a natural glow, particularly as it bounces off of the shiny metal of the old Avariel buildings.   The housing in Brightbough is made up of tree homes and land homes, though not in equal numbers. Many old families still live in Brightbough and the five noble houses reside in old Avariel buildings made of platinum and silver. Tree paths connect Wood Elf houses above the structures of ground, while many Elves prefer to live in simple yet elegant homes on the surface. While there is no real division of the city, many people will refer to the noble house closest to the area they wish to visit as a reference point. Assesius, Gallandell, Melleryiel, Selvarun, and Teinhathra are all considered sections of town that help visitors or residents alike navigate easily.   The area of the city near the Assesius manor is in the northwest corner, near the Azure Mark metalsmithing shop. Popular with travelers and visitors to Brightbough, the Silver Swan is an old and well-kept inn located in the Assessius district. Near the entrance to the city, past the two guard gates on the western side is the Allbright Shrine, an open shrine available to those who respect faith. Anyone seen desecrating, endangering, or threatening another while using this shrine will be immediately removed from Brightbough.   Located in the northeastern borders of the city lies the Gallandell manor. It is near the eastern gate and a nice, but more moderate inn and tavern called The Dancer’s Dell. The most prominent building, aside from the Gallandell manor is the Brothers in Arms arena.   Heading southeast, the Melleryiel estate is somewhat unique in Brightbough as it is made of gold, and bronzed wood, without a hint of the silver or platinum of the other manors. A metalsmith shop named Goldwood, near the eastern gate specializes in items made of their unique bronzed wood. Blessed Beast is a fine restaurant that prepares a variety of foods, all locally grown or humanely gathered, making it the epitome of Elven fine dining.   South central in the city is the Selvarun manor, known for their great musicians, artists, dancers, and spellcasters. The Selvarun School of High Elven Art is near the Gossamer Grove and its students spend much of their time in the well-maintained park. Golden Bun is a popular Elven bakery in the area and sees a lot of business from the school, as well as from visitors or residents alike. The estate is also near Sheaf Honour, the shrine to Mirriam that is the most recent addition to the religious efforts of the city, although it is in itself over two hundred years old (which is recent for an Elf).   The southwestern section of the city contains the Teinhathra estate. This family is the closest the High Elves get to a mercantile company. There is a general supply shop, with a jeweler’s shop and a poultice and herb shop attached to it. The combined shop is named FILs, which stands for Flax, Imell, and Lye. Skybound Loft, an ancient and weathered shrine to Zayphos is maintained near the path to the Royal Palace. Finally, a cozy little tavern named Featherdust is tucked away near the southwest stream, shaded by some nice Wood Elf homes above.   In the centre of the city rests the Royal Palace, inlaid with all manner of metals, from platinum, gold, silver, and copper, to Airsteel. It is multi-tiered with a few towers that glint and shine bright. Onlookers cannot help but have their gaze drawn to the palace. Near to the palace is Gleamspire, the grand temple to Lyradell, which is only slightly less impressive. It is a busy place and many adherents come and go into and out of the temple, or spend time around it, basking in its glory. A very casual and down to earth restaurant called Austerile’s does a nice steady business near the temple.   Outside the walls of Brightbough are a few places that do some business and are of note, the most popular being Lyradell’s Grape, a winery of fine Elvish vintage. Also nearby to the city is a very interesting and entrepreneurial Wood Elf, named Grazius, who specializes in taking damaged, burnt, or dying trees and crafting beautiful items or selling the wood wholesale. His intention is to have nothing go to waste.  
Shops, Inns, and Other Places of Interest
The open shrine known as the Allbright Shrine is one of the first things visitors see on their way into Brightbough from the western gate. It is a gleaming but non-descript shrine open to all who respect faith. Those wishing to cause the shrine harm, or its visitors are soon escorted from the area and most likely from Brightbough depending on the nature of the disturbance. It is maintained by the faithful of the city, and no one god holds more sway. It is a gift from the city to those who wish to take part in respect and faithfulness. Its head caretaker is a gruff old Wood Elf named Riardon Lathalas and he can be seen sweeping, polishing, and restocking supplies any time of day. He sleeps little and sees much, though his lips are surprisingly well clamped.   The Azure’s Mark is a well-known and often frequented metalsmith shop run by a widower named Efferil Eranath, a High Elf of once noble affiliation. His wife was part of the Assesius family but once she passed, he let his relationship with the nobles fade. He prefers to spend his time at his work, making exquisite pieces of armour, weapons, trinkets, or anything that strikes his fancy. He cannot be rushed, nor can he be coerced. He takes the jobs he wants, and refuses the rest, without an explanation or breath wasted. Luckily for him his skill is without reproach, so most will give him their business if he will take it.   In the same district, but nearer to the main road is the Silver Swan, an old and very well-maintained inn of high distinction. It is run by a pair of sisters now, named Shala, and Vadainia Galderoll, and they have never wavered in the quality of their food or the comfort provided. Special Elven geese that shed their feathers for these two alone supply the stuffing for the beds and pillows, and local Wood Elf farmers bring the food directly to their door. They have Elven bards singing or telling stories of the old days of the Avariel, or of Elven heroes, with the occasional Starhelm legend thrown in for good measure.   In the northeastern section of the city, near the Gallendell manor is the Dancer’s Dell, a more moderate and easily-accessible inn, run by a family of Wood Elves. Aust and Valan Othronaus, along with their two children Fera and Nim make their guests feel at home. They cater to those wishing a bit of their own homeland, and the Othronauses do their best to accommodate. They have bards and entertainers from all walks of life regale people with stories of their own homeland, and they include Elven art and poetry as often as they can get away with it. It is a good combination of local and foreign in an effort to bring everyone together. The royal family has decreed that the Dancer’s Dell is an important solace in a world where differences can outweigh similarities. It has been rumoured that the royal children take up their disguises and visit the Dancer’s Dell from time to time.   The Brothers in Arms is a large building in the Gallendell section that houses a number of unique and special areas where the Elves can train, give demonstrations, compete in games of skill, and relax. In addition to the physical arts, the arena also showcases some plays, music, and has a small museum dedicated to Elven artifacts, history, and legends. It highlights the many different aspects of Elven culture and is always open, and vibrant with activity. A number of important people call Brothers in Arms their home, including the master fencer Bethlinen Hadarai; the incomparable thespian Sariel Dalanan; and the master curator Xanathia Tilathania.   Near the eastern gate, just northeast of the Melleryiel manor is a unique Brightbough offering – Goldwood. This crafter’s shop is impressive in its style and very Elven nature. The owner, Suhnae Amakir is the highest master of a shrinking art of combining gold, precious metals, and wood together to make an aesthetically, and very durable material to craft all manner of items. What was once a very popular style in this Avariel city has now been reduced to one shop, albeit an impressive one. Nobles from all over the south have come to place an order for a special item, be it armour, weapon, or just a large family crest to hang over their mantle. The place is busier than it looks and many of the works are done offsite, by Suhnae himself. His first apprentice Shanaria Gallendell is a bit of a disappointment to her family, but has enormous approval by Suhnae. She treats him like her own father, and someday he will leave the shop to her to continue on the tradition of Goldwood.   A very popular and exclusive restaurant by the name of Blessed Beast is the epitome of High Elven dining. The meat they serve comes from very happy cattle; the vegetables are all locally grown and cared for under the auspices of their chief gardener, a Wood Elf named Carric Greenmeadow. The owner of the Blessed Beast is Bourdain Arnuana, a High Elf of great culture and refinement.   In the central southern section of the city, right below the royal palace, is the Selvarun estate. The Selvaruns are known to produce some of the greatest artists, dancers, singers, actors, musicians, and mages in all of Starhelm. They have established a school where budding artists can hone their skills, called the Selvarun School of High Elven Art. Its many students spend much of their time living life to the fullest so they can put their experiences into their art. Many hard-working Elves appreciate the efforts of these children, but they also wish they could be more productive and realistic about their contributions to the city and the Elven society in general. The headmaster, Tharibol Casthitinerra is a very likable and amiable Elf who encourages his students to learn as much about the world around them by experiencing it through real actions, and not just in books. Many Elf adventurers come from this school and many do not return (for one reason or another). The students love to hear about adventurers, particularly firsthand and spend much of their time in two places; the Dancer’s Dell, or Gossamer Grove. The park just west of the school is called Gossamer Grove and is maintained by a group of caretakers from Gleamspire, and Sheaf Honour. The students of the school frequent the park mostly, but many families and visitors also spend some time there. An area for ‘impromptu’ exhibitions or plays is available for those who wish to view or partake.   A popular bakery located just north of the school is the Golden Bun. An odd Forest Gnome named Pintle Fiddlefan runs the bakery and makes some excellent cream buns, flaky pastries, cakes, and Elven tarts. There is often lineups outside her shop and people will wait for upwards of an hour for one of her cream buns.   Most recently (at least to an Elf) the Sheaf Honour shrine was erected to honour the Shard Mirriam. The Elves of Brightbough were always friendly toward Mirriam but they had not erected a specific shrine to her. By order of the King a shrine was requested and there is a small group of Human and Goliath worshippers of Mirriam that live near Gossamer Grove. The most senior of them is Lania Groveguard, a Goliath of gentle grace that belies her large stature. Right to the south of the western gate, north of the Teinhathra estate, is a useful and frequented supply shop named FILs. Flax, Imell, and Lye, are three partners that have gathered together to run a variety of shops that cater to the everyday or the unique and useful. Adventurers that travel through Brightbough typically stop here to pick up supplies or see what is interesting. Flax, a Forest Gnome, specializes in general wares, trinkets, and gadgets; Imell is a High Elf that produces excellent jewelry and is a fine appraiser of gems; Lye is a Wood Elf that prepares useful poultices, sells herbs, and various potions.   Featherdust is a cozy little tavern where visitors like to relax, have a nice drink, and just forget about the outside world for a while. It has regular guests and very rarely does anything untoward happen there. It is run by a sweet little Halfling named Anna Copperkettle, a recent citizen of Stonebridge. Anna liked the quiet and secluded nature of Brightbough, away from the hustle and bustle of the big city (and the local Midnight Wind guild that was looking for her).   Skybound Lodge is an ancient Avariel temple that has been around since the city still floated. It has more followers than Aspenshield does, but it still does not draw anywhere near as many as Lyradell’s temple does. Out of respect the Elves of Brightbough maintain the shrine; it’s primary caregiver is Uthemar Anastasia, an aged High Elf of great knowledge, and even more arrogance.   The centre of the city is dominated by two gleaming structures. The most prominent is the Royal Palace of Brightbough, with multi-tiered towers inlaid with silver, gold, gems, and Airsteel. The King, Queen, and their children all live in the palace, along with their servants. The rest of the nobility live in the surrounding manors at the corners and edges of the city. The King’s audience chamber is quite well-appointed with comforts, displays of art and history, and much shiny metals of all kinds. It is busy, with many nobles or guests coming to greet the King or curry his favour. Of late the majority of the business is handled by his wife or children, but the King still has interactions with many who come to visit. The royal chancellor is a kind and noble High Elf named Paelias Teinhathra. He is very good at engaging visitors, redirecting the more difficult conversations, and keeping the palace running smoothly. He is very well-respected by the King and Queen.   In the centre of the palace is a grand courtyard of lush green verdure, tall trees, and a very wise Treant named Brightleaf. The King can often be found here engaging Brightleaf in deep conversation. Brightleaf has not left the courtyard in a very long time, but there is still a path for him to take should he wish to leave the palace, or city.   The second most prominent structure is the glorious temple to Lyradell, labeled Gleamspire. It is not quite as tall as the palace, but it does have multiple tiers and levels, with a few impressive towers. Silaqui Gallandell is the head priest of the temple and she is a favourite among the populace. She is quite a striking beauty, but she carries herself with grace and poise, and is never pretentious. She is a genuinely kind soul who works hard to foster the community spirit in Brightbough.   Austerile’s is a quaint and down to earth restaurant tucked away in the Teinhathra section. It rests near the stream that connects the Selvarun pond with the Teinhathra pool, and has a lovely view of the palace and temple. The guests often sit outside at some tables or more often on the grassy glades near the stream to eat their meals. It lacks the pomp and circumstance of Blessed Beast and is a nice option for quiet and casual dining. Its owner is a High Elf named Dayerath Austerile, who enjoys the company of his guests, and ensures a comfortable experience for those who visit his restaurant. Near to the city but technically on the outskirts are a couple of businesses that are part of Brightbough’s economy. Lyradell’s Grape is an Elven winery that has worked diligently to produce excellent Elven wine from a variety of sources. Their vintages are always fruity and flowery, with a delicate taste. The proprietor of Lyradell’s Grape is a Wood Elf named Dreali Berevan, and he has been perfecting his art for a couple hundred years. He rarely supplies his wine outside of Brightbough but there are those that buy it and ship it out or take it with them. Adventurers are the main source of his wine exportation.   An elderly Wood Elf by the name Grazius has been conscientiously gathering naturally fallen or dying wood and crafting amazing things with it. He has a knack for restoring wood and for ensuring that nothing goes to waste. For wood that cannot be restored he sells it to the city, or to businesses for fire, but those woods that he can restore he makes great furniture, building supplies, or even armour for those interested in such things. He is an odd personality, but his works of art and craftsmanship are sought after by those who like eclectic things.     Ruling Family:
  • Shalamair
  Noble Families:
  • Assesius
  • Gallandell
  • Melleryiel
  • Selvarun
  • Teinhathra
  • Royal Palace of Brightbough
  • Gossamer Grove
  • Brightbough Bulwark
  Temples: Gleamspire (Lyradell) – Silaqui Gallandell (f/high elf)   Shrines:
  • Allbright (open shrine) - Riardon Lathalas (m/wood elf)
  • Sheaf Honour (Mirriam) – Lania Groveguard (f/plains goliath)
  • Skybound Lodge (Zayphos) – Uthemar Anastasia (m/high elf)
  Restaurants, Taverns & Inns:
  • Silver Swan – inn (expensive)
  • Dancer’s Dell – inn (moderate)
  • Featherdust – tavern (moderate)
  • Golden Bun – bakery (inexpensive)
  • Blessed Beast – restaurant (expensive)
  • Austeriles – restaurant (moderate)
  Notable Merchants, Shops and Places of Interest:
  • FILs – supplies, jewelry, botany
  • Azure Mark - metalsmith
  • Goldwood – unique craftworker
  • Selvarun School of High Elven Art – school of art and magic
  • Brothers in Arms – community hall
  • Assesius
  • Gallandell
  • Melleryiel
  • Selvarun
  • Teinhathra
  Roads and Thoroughfares:
  • Westgate Road
  • Eastgate Road
  Notable Personalities:
  • Immerial Shalamair (m/high elf), king of Brightbough; Althea Shalamair (f/high elf), queen of Brightbough; Ahvain (m/high elf), Lucain (m/high elf), and Perain (m/high elf) Shalamair, princes of Brightbough
  • Paelias Teinhathra (m/high elf), royal chancellor; Brightleaf (m/treant), royal advisor; Loquarion Hadarai (m/high elf), Master of Arms;
  • Tharibol Casthitinerra (m/high elf), Selvarun School headmaster
  • Bethlinen Hadarai (f/high elf), master fencer; Sariel Dalanan (m/high elf), master thespian; Xanathia Tilathania (f/high elf), master curator, all of the Brothers in Arms
  • Flax (m/forest gnome), tinkerer, partner at FILs; Imell (m/high elf), jeweler, partner at FILs; Lye (m/wood elf), botanist, partner at FILs; Suhnae Amakir (m/high elf), owner of Goldwood; Shanaria Gallendell (f/high elf), apprentice at Goldwood; Efferil Eranath (m/high elf), owner of Azure Mark
  • Aust (m/wood elf) & Valan Othronaus (f/wood elf), owners of Dancer’s Dell; Fera (f/wood elf) & Nim (m/wood elf), children of Aust and Dell; Shala (f/wood elf) & Vadainia Galderoll (f/wood elf), owners of Silver Swan
  • Dayerath Austerile (m/high elf), owner of Austerile’s restaurant; Pintle Fiddlefan (f/forest gnome), owner of Golden Bun; Bourdain Arnuana (m/high elf), owner of Blessed Beast; Carric Greenmeadow (m/wood elf), gardner of Blessed Beast; Anna Copperkettle (f/halfling), owner of Featherdust
  • Grazius (m/wood elf), wood restorer/crafter; Dreali Berevan (m/wood elf), proprietor of Lyradell’s Grape
Region: Brightbough Forest (The Verdant Coast)   Population: 68,259   Racial Breakdown:
   Dominant: High Elves; Wood Elves
   Minority: Forest Gnomes
   Group: Humans; Goliath
   Individual: Treants
  Form of Government: Monarchy   Notable Inhabitants: Immerial Shalamair; Althea Shalamair   Notable Locations: Selvarun School of High Elven Art; Gleamspire


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