Quicksilver Bog Geographic Location in Aerith | World Anvil
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Quicksilver Bog

The southern swamp of Quicksilver Bog contains the Grippli capital of Bogbrook, the largest and most civilized of Grippli cities on the continent. The paths to and from Brightwave are guarded, patrolled, and maintained by Brightwave soldiers and Grippli warriors and scouts.   At its heart Quicksilver is still very much a Grippli society, with the Matriarch being the leader, the respect for the land, and the importance of family being their chief concerns. However, with the prominence of Brightwave, the Swamplight School, and the presence of many Avandarians Quicksilver is the most civilized of the Grippli lands. It interacts most frequently with outsiders and has benefited greatly from their welcoming relationships.   The smaller villages and tribes maintain the standard Grippli structure, but the capital of Bogbrook is a little different. It still holds the Matriarch as the top tier, but they utilize a council of advisors much more prevalently. They even have outsiders attend their meetings sometimes and give testimony or conduct business within the council meetings. Much of Quicksilver Bog enjoys the benefits of trade and learning from the Humans, and particularly the Order of the Reclamation of Avandar. As such, there is little resistance to the Reclamation in Bogbrook or the surrounding areas.
Population: Majority – Grippli; Minority – Lizardfolk, Bullywugs; Small group – Elves, Human (Swamplight School)


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