Toxic Grippli Species in Aerith | World Anvil
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Toxic Grippli

One of two subraces of Grippli, the Toxic Grippli are stalwart, steadfast, and more rooted. They have the ability to secrete a poison from their skin that is used to fend off enemies. Toxic Grippli are more comfortable in their homes, trusting in their ability to protect themselves and their loved ones with their defenses, both bodily and with traps and gadgets that they create.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution


Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Can speak, read, and write Grippli and Common

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Worship: Erswetz

Racial Features

Ability Score Increase: Increase your Wisdom score by 2 to a maximum of 20. Increase your Constitution score by 1
  Speed: Base walking speed is 25 ft
  Darkvision: Living in dark swampy areas, the Grippli have adapted to see in the dark. You can see 60 ft. in dim light as if it were bright, and can see in darkness as if it were dim
  Superior Lung Capacity: Grippli can hold their breath for a number of hours equal to their Constitution score
  Grippli Feet: The nature of your feet give you superior swimming and jumping abilities, giving you a swimming equal to your base walking speed. Also you don’t need a running start to get your full jump distance
  Grippli Ingenuity: You gain proficiency with tinker's tools and ability checks to disarm traps
  Grippli Metabolism: You gain advantage on saving throws against poison and have resistance to poison damage
  Toxic Skin: As a bonus action you can produce a toxic poison. You can apply it to a weapon or make an unarmed strike attack. Alternatively, as an action you can produce it over your entire body the person to the poison on your next melee attack or touch spell. Exposure to the poison causes the creature to have to succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + Constitution modifier + proficiency bonus) or take 1D4 poison damage and become poisoned. These effects last for 6 rounds. The creature can make a Constitution saving throw at the end of their turn to end all effects. You can use this feature once after a short or long rest
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Toxic Grippli mature around 12 and live to be between 60-80
Average Height
2-3 ft
Average Weight
30-40 lbs
Average Physique
Toxic Grippli are size small


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