Southguard Plains Geographic Location in Aerith | World Anvil
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Southguard Plains

The Southguard Plains holds the once vibrant fields that fed much of the continent, and Starhelm City in particular. It currently is home to small villages or wandering tribes of barbarians of all races, eking out a meagre existence roaming across the bottom end of Starhelm. From as far west as Brightwave to as far east as the southern tip of the Barrier Guard and Stonebridge, these roving tribes trade with Elves, Grippli, Humans, Gnomes, Dwarves, Goblins, and any other denizens of that land. The most notable locations within the Southguard Plains include the Ruins of Goldensheaf, the Halls of the Cleansed Soul, and the Fallen city of Exandar.   Small villages of Human, Goliath, and Gnomes dot the land, but they stick as close to the civilized places as possible, at least within a day’s ride. Wandering tribes tend to venture further north, towards the blasted lands of the Witch Queen and do their best to eke out a living. Some trade can be made from the relics and items gathered from the remains of Goldensheaf and some barbarian tribes will continue to fight for their lands, working with Druids and Elves to combat the taint of the Witch Queen.   The villages are typically run by a mayor, or reeve, and hold from a couple dozen to as large as a few hundred citizens. These do regular and solid trade with the Elves of Brightbough, the Gnomes of Stonebridge, or even the wandering barbarians of the Southguard. The Elves have enticed many of the villages and even some tribes to ally with them against their fight with Exandar but not all of the denizens of Southguard appreciate the Elves’ ‘hospitality’. Some are suspicious of their close but distant ties with the Fallen and prefer to go it alone. No open hostility exists in any great abundance but there are a few who would take arms against an Elf if pressed.   The law of the area tends to lean more toward survival, but alliances are key to security and prosperity. There is not a lot of marauding except near Exandar or the edges of the swamps to the west. Further north in the Southguard there are incursions of the Witch Queen’s forces, both living and undead but they do not go too far south before being dealt with.
Inhabiting Species
Population: Majority – Human; Minority – Goliath; Lesser minority – Gnomes, Elves, Dwarves, Halflings


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