Gnome Species in Aerith | World Anvil
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Gnomes of Aerith were brought about by the Luminare Prime named Hix. Curious and engaging, Hix wanted to make a race that loved discovery in all its forms, from the techncial, material, to the personal. Though not one of the Founder races they have been around for a long while. Originally found in the city of Stonebridge, when the Elves and Dwarves tried to bring diversity to the area, Gnomes have scattered across all of Starhelm.   Gnomes are a smaller people, similar in size to the Halfling. They grow about three feet in height and have hands and feet appropriate to their size. They lover diversity in all things and as such they themselves are a very diverse race, with varying features and traits.   Some Gnomes are rough of skin, darker brown or tanned skin with an earthlike appearance. They have large noses, often sporting mustaches and beards, while others can be lighter of frame, their skin is smoother and more fair, their hair tends to be lighter brown, sometimes even blonde and unkempt.   All Gnomes are curious, inventive, adventurous, cunning, friendly, and gregarious. They have a natural inventive streak but how they display it is different with each Gnome.   Often Gnomes can be stubborn, hot tempered, and show dogged determination when trying to complete a task or solve a riddle. They can put other things out of their heads and focus on the task at hand. They make great mechanisms, large or small, and love to work with tools. They are fine artisans, gemcutters, artists, calligraphers, cobblers, mechanics, and toy makers.   There are some on the other hand that are a bit more flighty and chaotic in spirit. They are naturally attuned to their environment and have a great way with animals of all kinds. They are free-spirited but also cautious. They like traveling and seeing what the world has to offer.   The social structure for Gnomes across the continet can be very different and each village or city can be as diverse as any settlement out there. War and combat are not things the Gnomes value highly so their leaders are more productive and task-oriented.   Some Gnomes are clan based like Dwarves, but they value the individual more than a group, unlike Dwarves. Their immediate family is important, and their clan is too, but outside concerns are not on these Gnomes' mind overly often. Their leaders tend to be the most inventive, adventurous, forward thinking, and dedicated of the community. Typically a large and unwieldy council rules the settlement, but it is often too bureaucratic, slowing down decision making and progress.   On the other end of the spectrum, some Gnomes lead their villages similar to how Halflings do. A mayor or strong representative is often called on to mediate disputes or make group decisions easier, but most times these Gnomes believe in free spirit and doing what feels right. These villages tend to be family and clan strong, with everyone raising the children, and tending to their chores. If something is not done, they will more often than not just get around to doing it. Nobody needs to be asked, it just gets done out of necessity.   Gnomes are gregarious and helpful to those of good intent. They make many allies and can always be counted on to help out, even as they avoid conflict as often as possible. They are good at providing support in the form of defenses, tools, or supplies. As such they have made friends with the Humans of Essillion, the Dwarves of the South Barrier Guard(location:8aef2eba-26f6-45fa-90e5-211ad453a5b0) near @[Stonebridge, the Elves of Brightbough and Aspenshield, some Nomad tribes near Hollows Point, and even some Grippli of the Marsh of Menlos.   The Gnomes of Avandar have a good population and they have their own ward. While they still try to avoid conflict as much as possible they will defend the city as needed.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Forests; Foothills; Cities; Aspenshield; Hollows Point; Avandar
; Stonebridge

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

You can speak, read, and write Common and Gnomish. The Gnomish language, which uses the Dwarvish script, is renowned for its technical treatises and its catalogs of knowledge about the natural world

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Worship: Hix

Racial Features

  Select two of the below per Gnome lineage chosen:
  • Natural Camouflage (Mandatory): When you are hiding in any forest, grassy, or rocky terrain you can hide as a minor action.
  • Darkvision: You can see clearly up to 60ft. in dim light and can see darkness as if it were dim light to the same distance. While seeing in darkness you can only see in shades of grey.
  • Nimbleness: You can move though any medium sized creature, not just allied ones, but you can’t end your movement in another creature's space.
  • Gnomish Illusions: Some Gnomes are born with the ability to create small illusions, much to the annoyance of their parents. As a minor action you can create a small illusory picture or sound. You can create it anywhere you can see within 30ft. of you. The illusion can’t be larger than a 5ft. cube if it's an image, or can’t be heard beyond 10ft. of the place you created it if it is sound. The illusion can pass as real until a creature attempts to investigate it, interact with it, or anything causes the illusion to feel out of place (ie. not make sense) and then they can determine that it's an illusion.   
  • Wild Mind: Gnomes can sometimes come off as crazy, eccentric, or scatter brained, and that is because some Gnomes actually perceive the world differently than others. They notice things others dismiss, see connections where others see randomness, and are constantly thinking about process, mechanics, patterns, etc (sadly not always cause and effect). When you make a Mental attribute check, you can lower the value of one of the dice in your array up to double your Soul Tier, in order to increase another die in your array an equal amount. This can’t increase a number above 8.
Gnomes mature at the same rate humans do, and most are expected to settle down into an adult life by around age 40. They can live 350 to almost 500 years
Average Height
Gnomes are between 3 and 4 feet tall
Average Weight
Gnomes weigh an average of about 40 pounds
Average Physique
Your size is Small


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