Spiked Shore Geographic Location in Aerith | World Anvil
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Spiked Shore

This mountain chain is situated along the southern section of the eastern coastline. It is home to the Dwarven cities of Goldencrest and Prism Tower as well as the Krysin city of Uorensh, a unique collection of secluded settlements in and around the dangerous crystal spikes that erupt from the earth, giving the area its name.   After the ascension of the Dragon Lords and the cataclysm that followed the splitting of Haven, the land around this broken part of what is now known as Starhelm erupted with crystalline protrusions from the earth, creating a barren landscape. Life in the Spiked Shore is difficult and very few actually live there, save the Krysin.   A path to the shore can be traced and the Dwarves are eager to clean up the Spiked Shore and regain access to the sea there for trade and travel. They have enlisted the aid of the Krysin and trade food and tools, and knowledge for assistance and safe travel to and from the shore. The Dwarves know they need patience and determination to reclaim the shore but they are confident that in several generations they will accomplish great things with the help of the Krysin.   The Dwarves of Goldencrest and Prism Tower serve as a gateway to the Spiked Shore from the rest of the continent and they take their ambassador role very seriously. The clan structure of the Dwarves is still strong here but there is little regular access to anyone but the Krysin so the Dwarves concentrate most of their work eastward.   The Krysin have tried to reforge a new city based on their ancestors’ underground cities. They compartmentalize their structures and society so that they can adapt very easily to changing circumstances. The danger of the area makes them invaluable to any travel into and out of the Spiked Shore and they utilize their skill to great advantage.
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species
Population: Majority – Krysin; Minority – Dwarves; Small group - Halflings


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