Krysin Species in Aerith | World Anvil
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The Krysin are relatively new to the surface of Starhelm but they have been around for centuries in the Underdark, scavenging and surviving. A small race of rat-like creatures, they had a civilization very early on but the introduction of the Fallen to their environment forced them out and they were left to survive as best they could, away from their hated enemies. Now they have come up to the surface world and the underground caverns and passages of mountains and the sewers of cities. Two types of Krysin are known to exist - the Underdark Krysin, and the newly evolved Topside Krysin.   Krysin are small rat creatures, with long tails and sharp teeth. They are typically between 3 & 4 feet tall, weighing approximately 24-40 lbs. Their hair is bristly and can range in colour from grey, brown, black, or dead white. Their eyes are well adjusted to the dark and their pupils are large to take in as much light as possible. Their tails, while not prehensile, are extremely useful to them and grant them greater balance and stability.   Krysin are great survivors and scavengers, having lived on the remnants of Underdark scraps for centuries. They are excellent observers and have an abundance of patience. They are quick to act when it is called for but their survival instinct is very strong so they will wait until the time is right.   Resilience and persistence are key traits for Krysin. During their time they have lost much but they continue to survive and thrive. They have a natural curiosity that can sometimes get them in trouble but their danger sense allows them to avoid conflict as much as possible. While they may not come across as positive, they definitely do not succumb to despair either. The Krysin gather in pockets of smaller groups, usually led by the oldest member. They pass on survival techniques to the younger members of the group and they are honoured for how long they have lived. With one notable exception, Krysin do not form large groups, as it is easier to survive and scatter if they are not all in one location. Sewers or small villages around the foothills or under mountains will also contain some Krysin population. Most cities contain Krysin, with the exception of Elven cities.   The Krysin city of Uorensh, literally translated to warrens, is an anomaly for Krysin social structure. Located in the Spiked Shore, a desolate landscape of crystal spires, and jagged outcroppings, very little food can be found, and the terrain is treacherous. A series of Krysin settlements have come together to form a large, city-like environment, that is technically made up of smaller regions. The Krysin of Uorensh have remembered the ancient civilization that used to contain cities and have modeled this one topside city to resemble the past. Each region is ruled by their own leader, who meet regularly, share resources, and travel freely between them. However, if any one region is critically threatened the Krysin are prepared to evacuate and leave the region barren and unoccupied.   The Dwarves of Denethen’s Mantle, particularly in and around Goldencrest and Prism Tower have befriended the Krysin and trade freely with them. Krysin, in return help the Dwarves tame the Spiked Shore, or lead them through safe paths. Prism Tower is a gateway to the outside world for the Krysin of the Spiked Shore and it is also a gateway into Uorensh for those Krysin that want to visit or escape to there.   The Union of Shadows will use Krysin, typically in the sewers of cities as scouts, sneak thieves, or carriers of deadly poisons or disease. They provide good supplies and treasure to the Krysin so they are not afraid of any uprising or conflict with them. Many people assume Krysin are not very intelligent so they will dismiss them often. The Union of Shadows uses that to their advantage.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Krysin speak, read, and write Krysin and Common

Culture and Cultural Heritage


Racial Features

  Select two features from the list below for each Krysin Lineage chosen:     Springtail (Mandatory):  You have a strong rat-like tail that can be used for balance, small manipulations, and most notably to keep you from being knocked prone. As an interrupt you can immediately end the prone condition.    Remarkable Darkvision:   You can see clearly up to 120ft. in dim light and can see darkness as if it were dim light to the same distance. While in darkness you retain your full vision, including colour and detail.   Krysin Immunity:  Your constant contact with vermin, trash, and rotten materials have strengthened Krysin constitution. You are immune to disease and can survive for long periods of time without food. Krysin can survive on a pound of food a week, instead of the normal pound of food a day.   Climbers:  The claws and feet of a Krysin are exceptionally well-suited for climbing in the tunnels of the Underdark or along difficult surfaces like the Spiked Shore. Climbers gain a climbing speed. Also, moving along stone, walls, rocks, outcroppings, and the like do not count as difficult terrain for them.   Superior Skulker:  Krysin’s expertise at hiding is what has kept them alive for so long. They practice skulking from a very young age. While you are hidden you can add 2 dice to their Dice Pool when rolling for Resistance checks against anything you can see.
Genetic Descendants
Krysin mature around 10 and live to be between 60-80
Average Height
3-4 ft tall
Average Weight
25-40 lbs
Average Physique
Krysin size is small
Geographic Distribution


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