The Spiked Shore Geographic Location in Aerith | World Anvil
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The Spiked Shore

The Spiked Shore is a massive cropping of glass shards that rise out of the water, and land between Denethen's Mantle and the eastern shore. The spikes can be extremely large and extremely dangerous and any travel to or from Starhelm on this side is impossible. The Krysin have managed to eke out a living utilizing their excellent scavenger abilities, as well as the trade with the Dwarves that help them survive. There are some strange animals and vegetation that grow but not in any great abundance. Fish along the shore have adapted and the Krysin have developed a successful method of fishing to feed their city. Some underground rivers have collected into lakes below the Spiked Shore and the Krysin have used them to keep their supply of fish high.
Rock Formation
Location under


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