The Verdant Coast Geographic Location in Aerith | World Anvil
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The Verdant Coast

The Verdant Coast is the southernmost edge of Starhelm and is home to the prosperous Elves of Brightbough and the Grippli of the Marsh of Menlos. The weather in the Verdant is typically warmer than in other parts of the continent and the Jungles of Luvash is probably the most humid place on Starhelm.   The Elves have taken the role of protectors and diplomats in order to bring together the various races and defend against The Fallen or the Witch Queen. For the most part they have been successful and the Brightbough Forest, and Stonebridge in particular have prospered.   One particular element of the Verdant Coast is one that is closely guarded and unknown by the majority of the population of Starhelm, and that is the Womb of Humanity - The wellspring of all life on Aerith.
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