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Availin City

Capital city of Mayvin. Was once the seat of power for the Aethos Empire. During that time it was called the Imperial City of Availin or just the Imperial City. It is a beautiful city with many incredible architectural sights.  

The First Human City

The Elves recognized the humans, having developed and grown from their primitive beginnings awarded by Aero, as an ally in the future of Aernoch. They, along with the Dwarves, forged a concordance with the Humans to ensure the safety & prosperity of the lands and its children. The Elves agreed to allow the humans to begin official settlements on the continent of Aethos, beginning with Availin. The event is referred to as the Availin Summation and is the central event of the Calendar of Raseen. To commemorate the agreement, together they erected a great monument made of marble, moonstone, & mithril depicting unity between the three races. It had a large three-sided base that raised 20 feet and had inscribed in Elvish, Dwarvish, and Common the terms of the treaty along with runes that magically maintained its torches to remain lit and protected the monument from vandalism. Atop its base stood three towering, stoic figures - a female elf, male dwarf, and male human. Each rose to an equal height of 125 feet. To ensure the equal height, the dwarf was positioned as if standing on a pedestal. On the front of the pedestal was carved a shield, sword, axe, and bow. This monument remained at the heart of Availin as it grew over time.
Founding Date
12th of Markas 0 AS
Alternative Name(s)
Availin, Imperial City
Location under

Cover image: by Rene Aigner


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